New Fresh Start Realms with Wrath Classic

That would be ridiculous. It’s the polar opposite we should be requesting.

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This! So much.

Please don’t let people transfer to fresh realms at any point. I know this has already been said loads, but please, this will destroy the server the moment transfers are allowed.


Doesn’t really matter once everyone’s at the same level 80 point, but then again, should be okay provided that servers are well-populated.

Think it would be unreasonable to expect Blizzard to do things completely free, but sure, one can dream.

No thank you… I do not want longer BG queues.

For the love of god, do not open transfers to the fresh server,

Why would anyone bother with fresh if after only 90 days all the swipers will transfer there and bring with them what were trying to get away from.

I dont want to spend 90 days of my time farming and crafting just so 1 dude can transfer more gold, items and materials in 5 minutes than i have in 90 days.


By 90 days these realms will just be like most of the others.


you all guys saying “make it no transfers” are so lost. do u really think if they make no transfer allowed this server will magically end up without gold inflation? :smiley: comeon guys… bot holders will have bots on these new servers too and some people will get greedy and start buying gold and be the “richest guy” and so will gdkp’s become a thing just like they are on every server. stop coping


im not a gold buyer myself and yes i am disgusted by people being dog at the game not earning their gear by clearing content with their guild but being “rich”. u wont get this out of the game by creating new servers if servers start popping off, bots will become a thing. even if u make it no transfers and no boost, bots will eventually become a thing and gold inflation will become a thing.blizzard missed the train, the game is ruined in that regard

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if transfers to new servers are disabled im in.


On one hand its good info (despite after 90 days gold bilionares will transfer there), on the other I am afraid ppl will drift away from existing server, because ppl like fresh and we on medium servers will go to low when ppl go on fresh.

Dunno how I feel about it.

I wouldn’t get my hopes too high about disallowing transfers TO fresh realms completely. If you look at it from business standpoint, it would be 100% stupid idea to do and ridding themselves of effortless profit, that doesn’t sound like Blizzard :smile:
They might alibistically extend the restriction over P2 just to say “Yeah, we listened to you”, but still ToC, Onyxia, ICC, RS and also 4-boss VoA are going to be GDKPs even on Fresh. Which actually brings me to question, why to play Fresh at all? No matter if they extend the restriction to half a year, most of the content is still going to be GDKPs anyways, so I better start honest saving (I would never buy gold) now on my current TBC server which will carry over to Wotlk.

Secondly, judging from the blue post, transfers FROM Fresh will be available at any time. If population difference between Fresh servers and megaservers gets too high (which is very likely), all those non-diehard-fresh-fans will simply transfer to megaservers leaving Fresh to rot like any standard non-megaserver.

Lastly, I don’t know, how they want to incorporate Fresh servers into cross-realm PvP. By the time people start gearing on Fresh, people on megaservers will run in full Deadly, causing Fresh people to be stomped/blamed for bad gear. And I highly doubt Fresh population will be sufficient for its own working battlegroup.

IMHO, Fresh is a tourist trap for anyone who isn’t a die hard Fresh fan.


What is this? Heaven for all the RMTers and Bots? Thanks blizzard!

People are so delusional if they think that “fresh realm” gonna solve their “big inflated economy” problems.

Since server is fresh demand for gold gonna be super high and gold cost gonna be even higher, so it will attract everyone who wanna RMT :wink:


Most people ITT are naive beyond belief. There will be bots running on your “fresh” realm from day one. Bots don’t strictly need boosts, they can just level on non-contested mobs 24/7 like they did in Classic. By the time most non-hardcore players reach level 80, there will be an entire RMT infrastructure in place, and GDKP Naxx 25 already well underway. This is literally a tourist trap as someone above said. A way to entice even more people to renew their sub for WC (wrath classic) because “hack yeah I’m gonna play wrath on fresh server, it’s gonna be just like when I was a teenager”. By the time transfers open in 90 or more days, there will be nothing to transfer for. Just another dying mid-pop server. Vanillataur will be happy tho, he will get his empty PvE server most likely.

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Release fresh after wotlk ends. Not with wotlk start. But when wotlk ends. Not with wotlk start. Berny will not leave big characters to go level 1.

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In all honestly, who would leave all their stuff and progress so they do again like day 1.

Also no, there’s nothing to be done to play wrath. Not even LFD.
Played classic and now few months of TBC.

I’m playing the same game as bots,boosters, etc. I managed to get 2.5k gold and they got over 50k. So F* fair. 100% problem worsens in wrath due to popularity. Tons of more problems too but got zero energy atm. everyone knows

I don’t fit in such a “game”

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Good. Let them pay a lot for some gold then.

Gdkp with a small pool of gold at start will not suffice. Ofc it will end up as normal gdkp but much later. Still it is better than what we have now. The other day I got a whisper to summon someone for 70g at Firemaw. This is not healthy.

Pvp though is an issue as you describe it, yes.

Well I have 2 t6 characters, and I will completely abandon them for a fresh. It will remove 3-4 Years of Botting and ridiculous rmt, where people have more gold in classic than I do on retail (even though I bought wow token). In classic, the journey is the goal.