New Human Racial - No Place Like Home

This new racial is complete joke you already got so many items that makes porting around the world so easy 15 min hearthstone if you are in a guild, Dalaran and Garrison hearthstone, 3 guild cloaks that port you to SW/OG, Deepholm pot, Dalaran and Boralus ring and probably some more items I forgot, I understand they need to change it but how about something creative? It’s like they didn’t even try this is something that should have been an enchant anyone can buy and use not a replacement for diplomacy.


Racials are not important in the RPG. I prefer the races to be balanced.

Currently there is a huge disparity.


Its not diminishing, its giving the player freedom of choice. Or are we going to discuss again the age old nut shell of how racials across many moons of expansions have had more impact on player choice than they had any right to be.

You should not be required to play x-race to idk be able to cancel spells being directed at you, without being a rogue. Or to get recipes a little earlier from the rep vendor than other players, or have a on demand dps buff.

They are. Go play Elder Scrolls Online. Or Baldur’s Gate 3. Or any other original RPG game from earlier days.

All those games FEEL immersive and deep as RPG due to their racials. Modern games do not.

I rather have meaningful racials that encourage me to play different races for different gameplay experiences than playing a single race I like because all the racials don’t matter.

All my characters in Destiny 1 and 2 are Awoken (basically space elves). Why? Because the game has 0 racials and doesn’t encourage you trying out different player races for a different experiences (granted, no veteran would really delete their old D1 characters in D2, but you get my point).

WoW on the other hand heavily encourages alting as replayability. But it doesn’t encourage really playing different races.

I hate 60% of all the races we have in WoW VISUALLY due to my own prejudice. But without the game encouraging me to actually try out those races and experience the game with them, I am not overcoming that own prejudice.

Gnomes look silly. Doesn’t mean they can’t be fun to play with due to their racials. I am not a Dwarf player myself, yet they can be fun to play with especially due to their racials. I didn’t had a human, until both Heritage set and my realization for their active CC-break racial did encourage me to try them out.

The point is, racials can massively encourage you to try out NEW THINGS. Without them, you aren’t that bound to trying out new things, resulting in you staying quite more likely in “your same-experience box”.

By that logic there shouldn’t be classes in the game either, because Class X has advantage over Class Y :roll_eyes:


It’s pointless. I would understand having 2 hearthstone locations, that would actually be nice, but this? Anything’s better


At the very least they could’ve given it a movement speed buff after using it lasting for a few minutes.

Still… I barely use my hearthstone to warrant using it again within 10 minutes.

Vulpera’s camp racial is superior to this in every way.

Racials are a trope to all D&D style RPGs…

So humans just basically got our racial as vulpera didn’t they? xD A second charge on the heart stone… Works the same way as our make camp.

Lazy blizzard. Get original

Basically does the same thing as our vulpera make camp does. We too can set up two heartstone charges.

Don’t think it’s the same as Vulpera’s, from what I gather it’s a regular Hearthstone to the same saved spot with 2 charges to.

New Human Racial: No Place Like Home – Your Hearthstone cooldown is reduced by 5 minutes and gains an additional charge. Replaces Diplomacy.

The differance is we vulpera can choose where that heartstone ends up…

But its still pretty much almost the same as ours.

Nah, ours is superior :+1:

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RPGS, sure, but this is a MMORPG. We pay sub for this, we’re allowed to request balancing choice when the devs themselves have been trying to actively prio pushing the player over the class/race/whatever else might impact a game play choice.

Racials should have been disabled in high-end content.

I’ve been saying this for years, disable racials in completive content and let us have fun, useful racials.


They could keep the diplomacy racial but It wouldn’t work on TWW reputations if u have Human in ur warband .

“We can put our 2nd hearthstone on the other side of the world but it’s basically the same as having 2 charges”.

If you don’t see how it’s not actually basically the same racial I don’t know what to tell you.

Yep, this is my problem with it. I get the argument that it’s overpowered as it is (at least when TWW comes) and I even understand why a new racial can’t be overpowered (even though there are some OP ones existing currently) but come on, be creative, give us a reason to roll human or want to stay human.

Lots of good discussion here eitherway, which was the point of the thread as I didn’t see one already.

I like the suggestion above about having auction house / bank access. How many options are there in the game to access your bank and auction house? very few. The mount of course but unobtainable now? and out of reach of most, and bank I believe there’s a toy but it’s nowhere near as common as the 4/5 different easy ways we have to port around. QoL, not gamebreaking etc. but that would definitely make me want to stay as this race and be more useful.

Let’s face it, double hearthstone is meh… no offense.

Here’s another idea, which at least adds some utility and makes some sense for the race and lore: Keep “Diplomacy” and instead of the rep bonus, make it so that humans can speak freely cross-faction. Be it plain old orcish (general Horde language) or orcish + every race based language with some exceptions like demon and void (forgot the names).

My 2 cents.


Race change from human to void elf - problem solved! :innocent:

Pretty much where I stand with it. I didn’t even know about the Boralus ring. there’s so many ways to easily move around the world now and get back to the hub that this genuinely just feels meh.