New Human Racial - No Place Like Home

My brother in Christ.

Human spirit is among 1-4 TOP RACIALS for DPS in PVE for pretty much any spec - open blood mallet and see for yourself. What more do you want? Certain races have “dps racials” doing NEGATIVE DPS if you use them (indicating not pressing them leads to dps increase)

The stun remover is also super strong - allows in PVP to run 2x dps trinket.
In PVE - it can remove many stuns that happen. Not the best but not useless either.

If you can’t appreciate humans somehow having OP racials, then it’s a skill issue at this point.

Hm, I feel like you didn’t read the initial post in this thread buddy, and large part of what people are saying here. I didn’t start this thread to discuss current racials outside of the one been changed. I’ve even acknowledged the others are good btw, if you’d read the thread.

Anyways, the point and topic at hand from my perspective is the new racial, compared to the one it’s replacing. The new racial doesn’t have to be useful to me, if it’s useful for many other human players. To me, this new racial is pretty much useless to everyone who plays modern wow (as has been pointed out above by multiple posters), that’s the issue and why I started this thread and where my discussion will personally stay. I don’t even mind if the new one was technically worse gameplay wise but was fun or flavourful.

The issue here is the lack of care, creativity and thought with this particular change. The fact they’re taking a step backwards with it in lazy fashion, not forwards or equally on par. If you disagree, no issue, all entitled to our opinion and that’s what this is for.


Don’t assume I’m dumb. Thanks.

But if I have to be very precise I will explain this to you like to a 8 y.o.

  1. diplomacy was OP in terms of faction progress and with warbands it had to be obviously removed
  2. however, other human racials are already excellent - more than most other races can enjoy.
    2a) human spirit is a great DPS gain according to ALL SIMS
    2b) the stun removal while not broken anymore allows for certain gearing ways for most classes.
  3. as per above - the humans didn’t need any racial at this point. You have a good DPS gain in both main modes of the game. So they gave you a filler racial. Because you don’t need or… DESERVE anything better.
  4. if you want a useful talent, then nerf human spirit and we can talk.

Got it now?

Well, reply to me like you’ve actually read the things I’ve said here and maybe I’d understand why you’re going massively off-topic, from my perspective. Again, not here to debate other things, I’m here to discuss the current racial, and the one that’s replacing it.

By the way, literally your point No. 1 is covered by the very first line, in the very first post in this thread. So yeah, there you go, kind of my point.

I never picked my races based on racials, i pick them based on what i feel like playing.
As someone who travels all over the place to farm old instances for mounts and transmogs, and often find myself “stranded” with hearthstones on cooldown, i see 2 hearthstone charges as a win.

I decided to look into more teleports, to see how easy they are to get and also because I was missing some. My collection at the moment is:

Garrison Hearthstone
Dalaran Hearthstone
Main Hearthstone
Guild cloak - You get 3 of them, all able to be used.
Bardin Tabard (Tol Barad port, with Portal there to SW) - Took me 2/3 days of doing dailies to get this, maybe 10-15 minutes a day?
Deepholm Pot - (44g each on my server, I respect this is a gold cost and not everyone has spare gold, but I only use these if everything else has run out, and they’re relatively cheap).
Ring of the Kirin Tor - Another port to Dalaran, purchaseable in old Dalaran. 7k or so?
Jaina’s Locket - 30k quite expensive, I understand if people don’t have this.

Thats 9x teleports to Stormwind all from easy to collect means. 10x if you include the locket but I won’t due to the cost of it at 30k on the AH which I’d consider an unfair ask of the average player. You can farm it too but yeah.

If you seriously find yourself running out of hearthstones, like the person above, I have to assume you don’t have these easy-to-gain teleports / didn’t know of them. Sure, the cloaks etc. have a longer cooldown, but with a combination of all the other ports in rotation, you should find your main Hearthstone should be available all of the time or with at least 1/2 backup to it.

As I’ve said throughout this thread, I just find it implausible that any modern wow player can be stuck at all, or at a push more than once every now and then under special circumstances.


Don’t forget that if you are in a guild you get the Guild perk “Hasty hearts” which also decreases the cooldown of Hearthstone by 15 minutes.

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So is it just me, or is this racial not working? I’ve checked on multiple human alts, and they only have 1 charge on their HS with the full 30 min cooldown.

I may be alone with this, but I don’t play races for their racials. I play them for their aesthetics.

Most of us want to play them for their aesthetics, or story and stuff. But also most of us dont like the steady feeling of having a more ore less - but existing - disadvantage in competitive content just for this aesthetic choice. So we feel forced to look more after racials, than we would like to do. Thats the whole point, where all your posts before make barely sense.

Wow, people are till arguing over the replacement of a passive rep buff with a functional QoL one.

Or do people not read it and think it’s EMFH.

Considering how much Astral Recall as a Shaman has helped me, I think that the 2nd charge on the Hearthstone and the reduced cooldown is already borderline OP as a passive. Only Mages can “complain” that its useless, and that’s because Teleporting is free (unlike some time in the past).

But Diplomacy was more broken. Imagine having 10% more rewards from Renown satchels because you rolled human.

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