New Human Racial - No Place Like Home

Your playing human in a fantasy game :man_shrugging::joy:

You don’t have a point here sadly. What do you say to all the paladin warrior hunter players? Because these aren’t fantasy classes either so they shouldn’t play these classes?

Human used to be better. Every man for himselves were nerfed many times. Rep was pretty good and the only alliance race where the transmog actually look good.

If I’m playing a fantasy game I want to play a dawf or elf. Anything that’s not human. If your pissed the one good reason to be human is being replaced that feels like a big overreaction

Fantasy stories has humans in it too you know. Weird coming up with an argument while playing a non fantasy class that is all I’m saying.

2 % secondary Stats

Do you have the idea of how 2 % Secondary stats Works towards each Seasons through the expansion or you are the guy See Numbers and already gained the conclusion.

2% Secondary Stats in 1st Season while you have 1.k Haste
It’s way different to 2% Secondary Stats while you are in 4th season and 5k Haste…

The Human racial is a stupid Racial that work only through high end Gear and always in last Season of each expansion . But Guess what , the other works even better.

So Human has a Racial that Works Well only on last Season .

You know how the percentage Works ??

There is a difference in 2% of 1000 = ?? In Season 1
There is a difference in 2% of 5000 = ?? In Season 4

So Human has A racial that start very weak … Fact,
1% dmg is 1% dmg and only work Toward Gear .

You can do some Sims to see how low are Human Racials Towards other racials especially at the start of each expansion and at least in the 1st 2 Seasons…is lower than any other.

At the end of the day i just wanna Sue some Math Teachers…

You play what you like, 10% rep sure nice, but didn’t really affect M+ and PVP, for example, Worgen players, their racials are completely utterly awful, but people still plays them, same with Humans, some play race for racials, some play them cause they want to :slight_smile:

Of course. And this new racial won’t make me stop playing human for my main.
However; it’s just not fun to see a useful ability be replaced by something boring and lackluster. That’s the issue here for me with this new ability.

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Well this ain’t other games, but I’ve played other games where races are changed from their racials, doubt blizzard would do this towards their playerbase, but they were given a token of 1 free race change, highly doubt they’d do that, but I’d in a way make sense if they did.

Ironic when horde players complain about op racials while having self op ir broken ines like from orcs, trolls or bloodelves (free silince)

Go outside, touch some grass.
Saying its op in 2024 is hilarious, it remove all cc once but have a 3 minute cooldown, you use it you get in pvp immediately again cc’d because every class hav at least one, after one use yout get again stuck, its not so broken as many horde players portraits it.
Also it share cd with similar trinkets or abilitys

So what if someone has a better rep with the warband
It’s not like it give you an advantage
sounds like some people complain and kept whining how it’s not fair

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it’s OP because humans can therefore use double dps trinkets. Something only undead mages could also do if they wanted.

I’m not sure about exact mechanics and calculations but I’ve seen “sim meters/lists” and human spirit is, for a lot of specs, the number 1 “best” racial :slight_smile:

And in what Gear-Season .

The thing is in Season 1 for this expansion and i’m going to go with Max stats obtained at ~420 ilvl min-max the Total Secondary Stats obtained is 9800-10k secondary Stats divided by crit-haste-mastery-Vers (I used Agi trinket…you can just use secondary trinket but you will end up with 10 more secondary stats:D 0.05% crit or 0.027% vers :slight_smile: )

Doing the 2% flat that’s 196 secondary stats gained let’s say (200) obtained through the racial.
And i didn’t count the values of Each stats**
If you do the math with the Crit-Haste-Mastery-Vers that you get from the racial To your character is a total of 0.68%. That’s way lower than many other racials, get example Night elf touch of Elune 1% crit/haste 1% vers(Mountainer :slight_smile: and many others.
Not talking about the Use-Racial like trol-orc -D.i dwarf an many others. That totally op because you use them with Cd’s so the benefit are even more.

The racial get better in Season 2 …3…and ending in season 4 .

The point is that is a racial that works In season 4 due the Gear.

For my Human that is 524 ilvl …i got Ahead from N/Elf racial At 514 ilvl where the stats were at 1.02% vs the Crit/haste racial

litreally open bloodmallet or any class website showing racial stats. Human spirit is in 1-4 spots for all classes/specs.

That’s usually what happens. And then everyone else has to suffer the consequences. :worried:

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Can’t lie I forgot racials were a thing

If they spend as much time as nerfing racial as buffing them no one would complain
Dark iron dwarf mole machine still missing locations

Think the only one I use often is Gift of the Naaru.
I barely remember what the others are.

I just pick my race based on aesthetic and whatever lore I find interesting tbh, I didn’t even realize some might be more meta than others.


And if you don’t do pvp? what do you mean we have the most powerful racials lmao, literally not even close.

That’s all besides the point anyways, they’re taking away something that was useful, and giving us something thats useless.

Also, many are simply saying give us something cool and creative, not that we want something broken.