New Item to Mitigate Stygia Loss in the Maw

Nice view from that tower?


So what about those who die and a bug stops them from being able to return to their body?

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Codex rep is not account bound :sweat_smile: it means you have to grind rank 4 with all of our alts :sweat_smile: eeeeeeeeehhhhhh no thank you :neutral_face:

I do Korthia quests and then stone back, raid and M+. This has been pretty much my wow experience since S2.


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I’m glad you’re loving the zone and its stigmata’s, kudos to you, however people are losing friends left right and center due to this overarching expansion with maw and the trash systems introduced that are being more about chore than anything fun. So, thats fine, if they have an npc that allows some to purchase an item that mitigates another chore from this ‘exciting’ gameplay, you don’t have to buy it and can enjoy your git gud experience.


Maw content generates a lot of anima, stygia and rep which casual players will want for Korthia gear, and contains a relevant world boss. It absolutely is casual content.

OTOH, people have been asking for ages for ‘challenging’ solo content. That probably is the Maw. If you play like a dumbass, if you backpedal and buttpull; that’s your fault. Rise to the challenge, stay aware of your surroundings. If you can’t get through the gap, pull a single mob to make a bigger gap, rather than pulling 2 mobs. Buy some speed potions. Use the food that regens health out of combat. Get rider’s barding so you can’t be dazed and dismounted. There are tools for handling the challenge of the Maw.

None of this means I like loss of sygia on death though. That’s just an example of Blizzard punishing players rather than challenging them, exactly the same as key depletion, and it breeds the same kind of toxicity :smile_cat:

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This is not a good solution, its not account wide, its hidden behind Tier 4 and costs 1000 of the new currency for 75% reduction.
At first sight seems like a good change, a compromise but its not.

A good change would be to remove the loss or make the area around the new boss having a debuff that would prevent the loss near him.

A compromise would be to make this change account wide, bought at Tier 1 and cost 100 new currency.

The game should aim to be enjoyable and not a drag.
I understand its a MMO, i understood that almost 20 years ago but these extreme focus on MAU’s MAU’s MAU’s its getting tiresome.

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Why does Blizzard always feel like they have to Compromise and like… NOT fully commit to anything? It’s so frustrating. No little ‘new item’ you have to ‘earn’ just stop Stygia loss in the maw. Simple. You can’t fix the lag and any of the other issues there, clearly, so at least do that.

They can suck up the loss and re-farm. It’s not like it’s a major loss. Unlike, you know. Losing actual access to playing the game due to one being constantly disconnected.

I once lost around 20K stygia in a run through the maw. I got mad for a few seconds then didn’t care cause I could get it back through farming. On the other hand, I once couldn’t play the game for a few hours cause any attempt to log in or move the character through blizzard support would result in a disconnect error.

I hate the zone. But keep putting words in my mouth. Since you love it :slight_smile:

No one likes losing. In any way, shape or form. This is nothing new since it’s been like this for ages, well before World of Warcraft came into being. People hate losing.

However. Why shouldn’t there be punishment upon death? All your deaths can be traced to something you did wrong. Same thing with me, every death I’ve ever gotten is cause of me. Something I did wrong.

Not punishing players for being bad at the game, making mistakes or any of the likes. Will snowball, believe me. First it’s this. Sooner or later you’ll be hearing people asking for “Not lose X this or y that”. And this sort of thing enables that conversation to happen.

Oh and by the way, the challenge in the maw is to not die. You fail the challenge, you get punished for it. And the Maw is def not a casual area.

Bastion if anything is casual. Next to no enemies except in very obvious zones that are further away from the questing areas, safe areas almost everywhere with guards, repairmen and god knows what else.

It wouldn’t surprise me if people began to say “Sanctum is too hard, it’s in the maw and maw is casual zone” due to connecting relevance.

As in: Sanctum is in the maw, people want the maw to be more casual friendly(even though it shouldn’t be. LIterally nothing to complain about anymore with the removal of the eye and the ability to mount), and since sanctum is in the maw, that would be included.

By the time most can buy this item the issue it tries to fix is more of a non-issue. Gating it behind a new currency on a new vendor instead of Ve’nari rep makes no sense. Letting it cost 1k - 1,5k Stygia from Ve’nari makes it more of an insurrance for those with large amounts of Stygia saved up.

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I mean, there’s those times when another player drags mobs across you right as you’re using a skill that cleaves… Arguably the player’s fault for not seeing it coming, but if you’re doing your own thing with WM off, I don’t feel that it’s anything you did wrong when someone else dumps a problem on you.

And then there’s the times I try to be helpful to someone who has overpulled and seems likely to die, only to have them immediately run away as soon as aggro is off them, leaving me to handle their mess. Absolutely the problem is player behaviour, but once you become aware that that might happen, and if it does, you personally may face a penalty for having tried to be nice… people stop trying to be nice.

Anti-cooperative systems are generally bad in MMOs, and if players are risking their own stygia to be kind, it will reduce the number of acts of kindness that happen.

They absolutely should not have to ‘suck up the loss’ and spend time doing the same activity again because of a game bug. This happens to far too many players, it should be addressed.

Definitely not going to hand Blizzard an excuse for this awful player experience. There is no excuse for players losing stuff due to bugs and then a GM saying “I can’t help with that”.

The GM damn well should help with that.


What tier level are casual players hitting on average?

I mean, are we talking the hour-a-week Andys, or the dedicated rare farmers who want all the mounts right now? :slight_smile:

But realistically, by the time you have tier 4, you’ve at least got a solid set of Korthia gear, probably upgraded some bits of it. When this item becomes accessible, you’re starting to get out of the danger zone where the Maw is most likely to kill you :confused:

Should’ve been completely removed… was absurd to begin with making this mechanic when Stygia was limited per day/week, WoW isn’t Dark Souls!!


I agree.

What about players who end up trolled by others when mobs get dragged onto them?

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And instead of fixing those bugs. You force blizzard to band-aid something unrelated cause it “hurt you too much”. Fix the bugs, not the features.

Can’t wait for the guys in this thread to yell at blizzard to make Mythic Sanctum of Domination a solo cakewalk like current ICC. Cause that’s what they want: “hard, unfair” content being nerfed/removed cause it’s “not fun”.

And then we’re going to be getting free 300 ilvl gear pieces(that technically doesn’t exist at this point) cause farming for gear is too hard and/or takes too much time.
And while we’re at it. Lets look at firelands invasion from Cata. It takes too long, so lets make it a “talk with me for a quest, then talk with me again to turn it in” and you’re 100% done with the invasion and it’s achievements cause, again. It takes too long and I don’t have that time.

/ You are right though, there is no excuse for losing anything due to bugs. But that’s not what this is about. This is about people complaining about dying in the maw, losing stygia in the process. This is, REGARDLESS of death. So don’t twist the narrative into it being solely about bugs causing death cause you know damn well it isn’t.

I can accept that argument though sure. But the 99% of other arguments used is literally just “Boohoo casual zone, too hard fix plss pls”. ← and the solution to this is again, just Get better at the game.

Well they’ve had 9 months to do that and they haven’t. Clearly they don’t intend to. They will simply let it run for another year and a half, then we leave the Maw behind us forever, so no need to fix that bug after all.

However this thread+item clearly shows that Blizz are willing to look at stygia loss as an issue; so everyone has focussed on that and asked for what they want. Which is, basically, to stop losing stygia. It was an experimental mechanic because there’s nothing else in the game that treats players this way, and it turns out that nobody likes it.

Unfortunately, rather than fully backtrack, Blizz have decided to make an unpleasant feature 75% less unpleasant, which still leaves it 25% more unpleasant than it needed to be.

Not everything is an attack or an attempt to derail a conversation :smile_cat:

Everyone has an angle, and everyone’s discussion tends to approach a subject form it. That doesn’t mean people are twisting the narrative. I’m not a politician, I don’t have an agenda or ulterior motive. I mentioned further up that many Maw deaths were preventable, then conversation moved on to death by bugs and I followed that direction.

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Who knows what’s going on in their heads?

At this point, I’m slowly starting to believe, they’re in it for the sake of destroying this game bit by bit. Until there’s nothing left.


For me this change is hardly useful… not unless I grind Tier 4 on all my alts… and that is not going to happen.

However, someone on the Customer Support forum has come up with a cunning way of securing the stygia… for up to 2 hours… its very cunning.


Until they fix the “fun” that’s been detected anyway :rofl:

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