New level 50, There is no quest to start BFA campaign

Just decided yesterday to give WoW another chance for a month after 7 years. I regret it.
Never have I had so many Issues in a few hours with any other game, not even early access titles.
I still can’t use my Guildbank or read my mail since it partially thinks my account is still free to play.
And now I’ve been googling for 2h and running around ingame like a headless chicken trying to start my journey to Kul Tiras… Nope, not gonna happen.

All this railroaded phasing bs is such a turn-off. Turned more into a co-op RPG than an MMO.
Haven’t done this one quest? Yeah sorry bud, you can’t access the content of a whole expansion.

It’s just a shame that such a Gamebreaking bug exist longer then a couple of hours… Thousands of players cant progress with their fresh chars and paying for a game they cant really play at the full spectrum… it’s just sad…


This issue seems to also be affecting one of my faction changes (Horde to Alliance). I had previously already started BFA content as Horde, so I am able to get Boralus via the SW portal, but can no longer use the boat to get to Zandalar. I figured it’s because I need to redo the “Ready For War” achievement including the 3 Footholds as Alliance, but I’m unable to even start this quest line. I assume this related to the issue in question.

Subsequently this has also meant I can no longer get back to Nazjatar, and the portal back to Boralus outside the Chamber of Heart has also vanished, nor can I continue with the questline that will eventually lead to the questline for the cloak as this also requires questing in Zandalar.

Same issue here. After leveling up my old shaman to 50 I got only quest for necklace in Silithus (Magni). No pop up quest to start the BFA. I can enter Boralus via portal in Stormwind. Frontlines are also not available, can’t enter horde BFA locations, can’t do azerith gathering scenarios etc.

I agree this is not great experience

Solved!! looks like it was hotfixed, got the quest on the board and now the war council take place in another room, not in the throne


I can confirm! After reading this comment I relogged and promptly the guard next to the board gave me the long sought after quest! Good luck and have fun to you all!

I had the same issue as you guys and a relog didn’t fix it for me.

What DID work is going to Ironforge and accept the quest there!

I just logged on a char that didn’t have the quest available for 4 days, and it just popped up on log-in. Looks like there was a hotfix that wasn’t really documented anywhere. Great transparency from Blizzard …

They just hotfixed it yes.

I have same issue before. But i compled Legion scenario and quest pop up.

Hey everyone!

Indeed a hotfix has been put in place for the “Tides of War” quest, if this was an issue for you previously, please try again! :slight_smile:



Not sure if people have managed to get the BFA campaign started with ‘Tides of War’.
I faction changed to Alliance some time ago, I just completed ‘Battle for Lordaeron’ and there wasn’t an auto pop up. I headed to the quest board near the AH, there was a soldier standing near the board with ‘Tides of War’.

yep u are right

Was there a need to necro this thread?

Please do not needlessly bump or “necro” a very old thread.