New look on this site?

I think it is time to make new look on this site, make it fresh.

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Has it somehow become non-functional by virtue of it being ā€œoldā€?


Too old, appearance is just boring and there are some issues.

Such as?

/10 chars

This IS a new lookā€¦ OK, not ā€œdictionary definitionā€ new (less than six months old), but only a cpl. years old.

Yep, it got updated not long ago and compared to other forums this one actually keeps you instead of instantly wanting to move away by design.

  • You cant delete your thread
  • You cant click blue once you enter thread
  • You cant votedown

ā€¦and maybe moreā€¦?

Correct, you canā€™t delete your own thread once someone has replied to it. That is a design choice, not a bug. A design choice I wholeheartedly agree with too.

The lack of ability to vote down, is also a design choice, not a bug.

I am not sure what you mean by ā€œcanā€™t click blueā€ though.

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I like how you canā€™t tell the difference between an issue and something clearly made to be that way hahah.

I think daddy has to agree on this kebab post.
A minor update would feel nice. I think. As long as the kebab chefs (Acti/Blizzy) donā€™t go overboardā€¦

voting down is against the law in western societyā€¦

that is why all platforms are removing it one by oneā€¦

i dont agree with it personally if i could i would vote down on that decision.

EDIT: can only vote up nowā€¦

not voting is the new downā€¦ remember to exercise your right not to vote.

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Youtube removed the option of down voting weaksauce uploads.



its just the first of many ā€¦ they are trying to remove negativity from the worldā€¦

but canā€™t see how limiting options only breeds contempt and more negativityā€¦

let people have their downvote buttonā€¦

and stop being so offended if people click it i say ā€¦

EDIT: someone should make a rival youtube platform where freedom to express your opinions is priority and i bet within a year or two youtube will disappear.

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Yeah, limiting options is their way of saying ā€œPls, only positivity hereā€ aka: False plebs.

Diz be U and I. Orā€¦You and me. English swenglish language, overrated if you ask us

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positivity is goodā€¦ but in a world where you are only allowed positivityā€¦

that is very very bad.

ever seen demolition man?

this is what we are heading towardsā€¦

even the way they greet each other in that movie

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Not only are you a cute and hairy little one, you got some good taste in 90s movies.
Goes a long way!

Iā€™m against negativity but much more so against limiting and preventing people from expressing themselves

PS: I still havenā€™t figured out the shell action in Dredd world

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thing is now apparently kids are getting smarter nowā€¦

but if they are all brainwashed to think ā€œOMGERD the world is badā€ā€¦

it wont make much difference they will still make bad decisions for what they think is right.

itā€™s a lost cause anyway , i just gonna sit back and watch it happen xD

EDIT: thats why i say it is important to ā€˜beā€™ and ā€˜thinkā€™ for yourselfā€¦ and not to get influenced by others.

Kids these days need a (generally) high level quality type of O.G (Original Gangster) Grandpa/Granny/Uncle/Daddy type of father figure in their life.

My grandpa (rest his soul) was stereotyping everybody, Don Rickles style. No hate, just old school love. He was an immigrant himself

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It looks and works fine except for being able to evade silences/ignores/etc. by using another character.

Stop reinventing things that work.

Welcome Ishayo
You be looking all kinds of nice this eveningā€¦all kinds