New look on this site?

my dad gave me my music and movie taste…

my grandfather is who i take after… apparently i am just like him… i didnt know him too well honestly he died when i was pretty young but from what i heard he was a pretty switched on mofo for his time.

Nvm this it seems work, sometimes you cant click after you scroll down. I dont know why!

Go to General Discussion → “Mage tower sucks nerf” click blizzard icon and then

Mage tower sucks nerf it - #414 by Tyrskorn top right blizzard icon.

English is my 3rd/4th language. Could you please be so kind and display a gif that discribes that sentence? :stuck_out_tongue:

i can reword it…

he thought ahead of his time and outside the box.

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Matrix: There is no spoon
Me: There is no box

I feel you bro. Stay true to yourself (pssst, have a serious q for ya when you be ready)

sure whenever you want.

This you being friendly or an invitation to a dance off?

No fr, I wonder, apart from IRL stuff (that actually matters) what game/games you thinking of playing when your sub runs out?

right now nothing.

focusing on IRL things instead there is a lot going on for me atm which i need to start acting on or i will never progress from where i am…

and part of who i am as a person requires me to always better myself… if i am not doing anything to better myself then by nature i quickly fall into a negative spiral…

so for right now … i will play a few old games i got maybe… but not often while i focus hard on fixing my life which was ruined by locking myself away playing mmorpgs for 17 years.

I truly wish you the best
But your answer is weak vs my game question :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m gonna quit wow myself so my questions I ask only because I’m curious and want some inspiritation

Why, thank you! I’ve been spending the Winter Veil weeks adding 15 pounds, and I really needed it.

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All kinds of future wifey action going on…all kinds :smiley:

I’m sorry, I prefer to retire somewhere in Pandaria and my family has PTSD from troll invasions.

i already did the thinner and better part. im not far from where i want to be ideal in that sense now… took 2.5years of near constant working on it.

now its finding a realtionship… settling down … making a better more comfortable life for myself… maybe even start a family one day… i got a lot i can teach to someone… and who better than a kid of my own ? :slight_smile:

EDIT: got to a point now in fitness where i started turning heads when im out and about walking… im still going to work on my fitness i wont just stop …

i think i can do with putting on at least another 10Kilos of muscle before i am completely done.

Oh no my dear, you can calmate yourself, Daddy is married!

Was just trying to send you a (weird) compliment :smiley:

Merry holidays!

Meeerry chriiiistmaaas, everyone!



I hear you and again, wish you the best. But…daddy still need some help on alternative games after wow!

I once reached 98kg and then went dotn to 12% body fat, sucked donkey balloons.

Looked nice, but… nah

Come on guys, quality games after wow?

i went down to 75kilos at 36 years old…

then build myself back up to 85kilos with muscle gain … i want to get to 95kilos idealy without losing any mobility.

i am 6ft 2inches tall… 187 or so cm

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

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Nice bro, progress is always nice no matter which department
I know that feeling. I’m only 178cm myself so every 1kg gained shows :stuck_out_tongue:

Focus on mobility > cardio/endurance > muscle gains > adidas sneakers

yea cardio is key… ran 3400miles (130 marathons) over 2.5 years :slight_smile:

EDIT: pretty much 4 marathons every month