New player looking for help

Hey, so as the title says I’m a new player and im looking for someone who would like to just roam around and do quests and stuff together and help me if you can, I have a level 110 but since i boosted the char i dont know much about the game, i have some other low level ones.

Hi Keeva! Welcome to WoW! :smiley:
My favorite part of WoW is the social aspect. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great game, but the people I play with is what keeps me coming back! I highly recommend finding a guild where you can chill out and make friends to enjoy the game with.

There are lots of guilds on Magtheridon and from the posts I’ve seen on these forums, some of them look really great so it’s worth having a look around and figuring out what you want from a guild (which may change as you reach end game content and explore the options more).

The guild I’m in is full of lovely, helpful people of various levels of experience with the game and varied interests in game content. We raid, run dungeons and group up for all kinds of things like achievements and transmog runs. If you’d like to know more about our guild feel free to hit me up on Discord (Tea003#8087) or BNet (Tea003#2501) for a chat!
There is also a reroll guild ‘Rebirth of the Deserted’ that could be good for a new player - [H] Magtheridon <Rebirth of the Deserted> 'Reroll' guild + Friendly to new players
I’m not sure what other active social guilds there are kicking about on Maggy at the mo tbh.
It’s definitely worth having a browse on the forums to see if any others interest you!

I really hope you find some great people to play this awesome game with! :smiley:

Tizzy :blush:

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