New player looking to join a group

I am a completely new player to wow
looking to learn and play with others. Anyone able to point me in the right direction :smiley:

Hi Bladezy,

Welcome to the game :slight_smile:
Thereā€™s a few ways you can look into finding some likeminded people to play with, so Iā€™ll list them out below in no particular order:

  • You can try asking in the forums specific to your realm, since youā€™ll be a little more likely to narrow down the search by just reaching out to people in your realm pool.
  • In-game, if you hit ā€œJā€ (default keybind) it will open the guild window for you. On the left hand side, you can find a few tabs with various things that should be helpful. Thereā€™s a guild finder there that you can use to search for the right guild for you, and you can even filter your search (like for example looking for guilds focused on questing or leveling might be a good start). Another tab is the ā€œCommunitiesā€ tab, which you can also scour through with filter. Communities are a little less structured than guilds, but offer similarly a social environment for you to organize group play with other players or chat if you have any questions.
  • The last one here is just for completionā€™s sake, but should only be done if the other options donā€™t help at all. Try asking ingame in trade chat of any capital city (type /2 before your message when in a city), however keep in mind, trade chat is known to not always have theā€¦ friendliest or most helpful responses, so again, use with caution :wink:

Those are some high-level tips on how to get started, but feel free to respond here if you have any other questions or still trouble finding players :slight_smile:

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@Bladezy: First of all, welcome to the game! :slight_smile:

In addition to the useful tips Kerrosh already gave you, the above thread may come in handy.

Also, on some realms there might be guilds advertising in chats, so keep your eyes open while in bigger towns.

Welcome to Azeroth! :wave:

Hope you find a home and have fun! :slight_smile:

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