New player: Questions about loa, tribes, and rp

Alright, so, having several troll characters, I was wondering what the common practice is surrounding the loa in rp. Are unnamed loa acceptable?
What is the closest loa to one of change, seasons, and/or rebirth? If there is none, would coming up with a lesser loa be acceptable?

Do people make a big deal or get rude about someone playing as anyone other than a Darkspear or Zandalari? Because I personally care little for the Zandalari, and I rather not have three Darkspear when several tribes allied with the Zandalari have their own interesting lore and room to think of fan interpretation.

I am new to Warcraft, having gotten into it through needing to study some lore for something Overwatch related, so I have no idea what the community is like. I have heard some concerning things regarding the troll rp community (being very specific about the way they feel others should write trolls and elitism, mainly), but I have yet to actually run into it.


Absolutely they are. Both Zandalari and Darkspear tribes (among, potentially, others) have ‘family loa’, loa specific to their family. Then there’s larger ‘city loa’, and then beyond that you get big names. There’s plenty of space to invent your own if you so wish.


Of the ones we know, probably Akunda, loa of storms and new beginnings. You could have a lesser loa if that’s your ideal though.

It depends primarily on if you’re going to say if you’re part of the Horde or not. Sand and Ice trolls are generally a no-go as part of the Horde, but you could go with a Revantusk or a Shatterspear if neither Zandalari or Darkspear strike your fancy.


Thank you for the answers!

So, if I go with a tribe that is not part of the Horde, it would be alright as long as I don’t claim they are part of the Horde and accept any possible IC animosity it may bring. Not that it would be the best choice for a new player, I’d imagine.

It would greatly limit the amount of other players you can interact with, so I wouldn’t do it unless you’ve got a guild that supports the concept to give you regular RP.

I am not aware of any non-Horde troll guilds that are active myself, though there may be one. If there’s any Zandalari-focused guilds they might be open to other tribes as subordinates but I couldn’t say for certain.

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There are a few!

  • Hand of Zul and Shadow of the Empires both accept trolls from (almost) all non-Horde tribes, and are themselves not associated with the Horde.
  • Painted Shields take all tribes as well, though they’re mainly about Zandalari. They’re also more closely tied to the Horde, though I’m not sure to what extent.
  • Sandfury Tribe are not associated with the Horde, but obviously only take Sandfury.

As a guildless non-Horde troll myself, I can’t recommend doing it without a guild. While I haven’t been to Orgrimmar IC myself (yet??), I don’t get the impression sand and ice trolls are received too well there. While that can be a fun challenge, it can just as easily be an unnecessary obstacle. Easier to play a Darkspear or Revantusk, as I often wish this character had been, or to join a guild so you’re easily able to RP regularly.

It’s definitely possible though! Several of the guilds I mentioned RP in Zuldazar fairly regularly, and you’re usually fine in neutral hubs as well. Goblin ports especially. There’s also the Terrace of Tribes discord, advertised on these forums, which people use to look for troll RP sometimes.

Let’s see if I’m able to post forum links.


This is very helpful! Thank you!

I went there as my Gurubashi hunter real quick to level and get out, and also out of curiosity, and I was approached by a Zandalari who did the silly emote on repeat and nothing else. It was pretty funny. For anything serious, I will have to take your advice and steer clear, I’m sure.

Unfortunately for me, I like the Amani the most, and they would be among the hardest to work with, due to…unfortunate circumstances. It certainly doesn’t help that I don’t like the Darkspear troll models and Blizz doesn’t have body type/shape customization, which means that I would cringe whenever I look upon their tiny frame. I just really don’t like how small and puny the player models are. I can’t get over it.

Simping for the Amani aside, I will see what I can do with less difficult characters to get the hang of things and learn where the various spaces are. Until then, I will have to keep the others as just OCs.

Again, thank you.

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May I introduce you to the second best tribe of Horde trolls?

A pain many a (troll) roleplayer has to endure, sadly. Maybe one day Blizzard will allow us lowlives to actually truly customise our trolls.

I wouldn’t play one because I roleplay a Darkspear Death Knight, but many in the guild I am in would be happy with such customisations! Heck, even a toy to give us the frost/forest model would (at this point) be acceptable.

But nooooooo.

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