New PvE server please - (Solution to PvP issues)

How would a new PvE server be a solution to the PvP issues if the “issue” in the first place are dumb people who choose PvP servers and now complain about it and demand paid transfers to a PvE one?

They can reroll to a PvE easily because Classic is only a few months old it’s not like they loose half a year or a whole year of stuff if they restart on a PvE, it can be considered their punishment or price of a hard lesson for being so dumb to choose a PvP server and when they get massively ganked, start crying about it and demanding stuff!

Youtubers made a ton of videos about Vanilla and PvP so they had the chance to get the info and choose between PvP and PvE acordingly!

I really support people who have problems but when it’s dumbness, then the best solution is a lesson they learn from not a “oo you got a bobo, here have a reward for it”!

That way the only thing they learn from it is that it’s okay to be dumb, just cry a lot about what you want and you will get it.

I really don’t think that would be the right lesson for anyone.