New PvE server please - (Solution to PvP issues)

Hope this gets to Blizz,

I’m loving classic, play on Mirage Raceway. It’s great lovely bit world wPvP in Tauren Mill & Southshaw yesterday it was back and forth. Now I’m levelling my alt happily in Ashenvale I can get to raids and dungeons no problem, if i see 5 of the other faction riding towards me I just /wave, they do it back. Great feel-good atmosphere

However, the forums are full of players who are raising issues either directly or indirectly related to world PvP; typically around ganking, faction balance, flight path camping have difficulty levelling.

I have the following suggestion to solve it.

Make a new PvE server available for any PvP server player to move to as a transfer.

If any players can’t wait this long just re-roll, honestly we’d love to have you :slight_smile:

Can I get a like! - More likes = This is more likely to happen :slight_smile:


I agree i dont wanna be flooded with guys who decided that they dont want wpvp in the end… server is already bit overcrowded…

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Totally agree, and I have said this before. We need more PvE servers. Preferably 1 with free transfer from PvP realms, 1 with free transfer for all 3 other PvE realms and one for re-rolls. And a French RP server now we’re at it (No, I’m not French, don’t speak it very well either).


Please anyone who is either sick of the ‘why am i being constantly ganked posts’ or the faction balance is unfair please like/ up vote this im begging you its the only way to stop it.

If you’re going to create another posts please just post here and like it. Its the only way. I beg you.

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How would a new PvE server be a solution to the PvP issues if the “issue” in the first place are dumb people who choose PvP servers and now complain about it and demand paid transfers to a PvE one?

They can reroll to a PvE easily because Classic is only a few months old it’s not like they loose half a year or a whole year of stuff if they restart on a PvE, it can be considered their punishment or price of a hard lesson for being so dumb to choose a PvP server and when they get massively ganked, start crying about it and demanding stuff!

Youtubers made a ton of videos about Vanilla and PvP so they had the chance to get the info and choose between PvP and PvE acordingly!

I really support people who have problems but when it’s dumbness, then the best solution is a lesson they learn from not a “oo you got a bobo, here have a reward for it”!

That way the only thing they learn from it is that it’s okay to be dumb, just cry a lot about what you want and you will get it.

I really don’t think that would be the right lesson for anyone.


While I agree in the “life lesson” idea does anyone really want the forums to be like this for the whole of classic.


I think most of them will probably quit and if they do Blizz is less likely to keep classic going.

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Blizzard will keep Classic going because the ones that quit over something like this don’t belong in Classic anyways, they would have quit for one reason or the other.

Well what can you do, younger generation is weak.
All those checkpoints in modern games every 5 minutes… lol

All those pay to win games, pumping up their character with their parents credit cards and thinking they rule in PvP, then coming to a true PvP oriented game like WoW Classic and getting their a** handed to them! :laughing: Hilarious! :grinning:

Bump for another french server (RP plz) ours are full & overcrowded

I seriously hope they do that instead of rushing BGs and denying a lot of players the world PVP experience they were looking for.

Ppl complaining are those that chose the wrong server from the start. Its a joke that they want their PVP server to turn into a PVE one now b/c they can’t deal with exactly what was to be expected from a PVP server.

Expected by whom, exactly?
There is a massive difference between pvp over quest mobs, some ganking and occasional quest hub raid(which is why people chose pvp servers to begin with) and total shut down of any activity for one faction.

Wow, what a surprise, people would rather do something enjoyable, instead of getting griefed by a bunch of basement dwellers


I knew this would happen, so did these people and we also know what’s comming next trust us this is the best way.

They dont remove pvp in the open world do they? I saw a lot of World PVP in vanilla. World pvp was usually raiding forming to go to other faction city.

What we see now is not world pvp but a mindless gank-zergfest.


That is complete rubbish. You could reroll, level to 60 four or five times before they will even consider this.

Ok boomer.


Also acceptable

Please do world a favor and keep your opinion for yourself.

Please do the world a favor and keep your whining to your self then aswell.

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Where did I whine? I just support the idea of someone being available to transfer from PvP to PvE realm. Everyone benefit from that. PvP players get to play with same-minded people, those who think they made a mistake by creating character on PvP can move to different environment and keep playing the game. Which is ultimate goal, right? To play WoW.


You do realize PvP-to-PvE transfers existed back in Vanilla, right?

Well, this is certainly the most reasonable “world PVP” thread. You’ve got a like from me.