New Realm Connections are Underway

AL’AKIR/SKULLCRUSHER/XAVIUS EU - MERGE OR FREE TRANSFERS please there is no people to play with, everything on AH is so EXPENSIVE I can’t even believe it, for example, a DeepSea Bag costs 550g on XAVIUS, yet u log on in Twisting-Nether same bag for 70g :thinking: :thinking: and that’s just one example with a simple bag imagine the other stuff… :no_mouth: please help us :smiley:

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Yes, your realm is stated as basically the lowest by some of the websites we have left to gauge population, will be connected based on the size of the realms blizzard tried to connect: the rp realms they tried were both low, the german normal realms they connected were one low and one medium and the russian realms they tried were both medium.

What we have to see now is given the disaster of the first connection and no communication, if they will try more the next reset, it’s really annoying to get 0 info on ANY nationality forum.

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This is so EXCITING! Does this mean my dead home-server, Jaedenar-Auchindoun-Dunemaul, will once again be a viable - perhaps medium population - server?

Also Esploratore, how are you able to see realm population? I remember there being good websites to gauge server pop, but today there is nothing which clearly breaks down server populations.

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@Bruneli: Hopefully, yes, though it might still take some weeks as the numerours problems were not a good start for the new program… :frowning: Hopefully Blizzard is able to sort them out and fix what broke and then execute more connections.

As for the values, I think Esploratore is just using the game internal listings.

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Yes, as long as blizzard solves the first issues they got, that cluster is definitely one that will be connected again, by the looks of it they’re getting every realm to medium pop at minimum.

As for the sites to gauge population, take everything with a grain of salt, but you can use the realm section on both wow progress and raider io, I think they’re the most reliable nowadays, short of that you can do manual checks on who in game, as an example blackmoore, a full pop german, used to be almost perfectly balanced horde-ally, I was surprised it’s now stated as horde dominant, so I went there at 1.30 a.m. (earlier on there’s too many people for manual who’s to give an accurate picture) and found out it indeed is now horde dominated, this gives more credit to the values given by raider io and wow progress.

Based on raider io numbers, auchindoun cluster is the 2nd smallest english realm eu and one of the smallest of all, and based on wow progress it’s the 3rd smallest english and overall, so both agree on a connection.

I’ve also done a lot of manual who’s on many realms cause I’m very intrigued by realm population, at 1.30 a.m. on blackmoore there’s 450-600 players each faction, at 1-2 p.m. on tarren mill, which is one of the highest, there’s 540 levellers and over 1.500 characters, and that’s nowhere near peak time ofc, while on low pop realms the population count tends to be around 1\8 of that, around 70-100 levellers and overall 200-300 people on their strongest faction, this will probably double at peak time.

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Last time we got posts about connections, I’m surprised we haven’t seem any.


My server, Frostwhisper/Bladefist/Zenedar started with 22 Mythic raiding guilds to BFA expansion, now on last patch we are down to 3 with only 1 guild having completed the tier. Our realm is effecitvely dead, we need a timetable and chart of realms that will be connected. Blizz should allow us to also make adjustments with the expectation of these merges.


Frostwhisper is also low enough to be connected, I think they’re gonna connect pretty much every realm that doesn’t show as high at any point of the day, and yours most certainly does, don’t think it even hits medium (but don’t quote me on this), maintenance is in 1,5 days now, and hopefully they will work again on the connections then, so we can get announcements for more realms.

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So can you finally let us do things like trade, join guild, and add friends with connect realms? Otherwise it’s just a waste of time, more ghosts around me who I can’t interact with.

I moved to RP server because it’s the only place left with a server community.

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Yes, you’re probably not an old player I’d assume, cause if you were you’d remember back in 2013-2014 they already connected lots of realms, for eu the total number of realms went down from 250 to 123, including russians, and yes, they will work exactly like being the same realm, trade, join guild, add wow friends, buy stuff in AH, do mythic raids and so on if there’s more I forgot.

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@All: According to a German customer support post made yesterday, there are still problems with Auction House related things. As there have been no other blue posts on the topic and it is almost midday Tuesday (for me), I am going to assume they are forced to skip this week. :frowning: Have not checked US forum yet, going to do that now…


Such a disaster, I’m curious to see how they will fit the 2-3 months deadline wasting weeks like this, there are at least 50 realms to connect, based on the size of the first connections they tried, at 3 connections a week, this takes 17 weeks, so around 4 months!

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So, any developments?

Where exactly is that post? I cant find it in the german forums.

This is the reason why the topic is so frustrating for germans. Our servers are mostly a mess and right now there is practically zero communication from blizzard about it. They announced new connections and the first ones were messed up, still are. Today players expected the second connections but no announcement, no connection, no fixes for previous problems, nothing.

@Zasz: I was referring to post 15 in this thread.

On additional note, I am not happy about the poor communication eihter, even when this specific problem did not directly affect me. I have characters on German realms, but not the ones hit by the problems… :frowning:

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Now I know why I didnt find it. I didnt look in that category because they usually refuse to adress problems like that over there and the thread in general category doesnt get any attention since the announcement 12 days ago. Also the post claims that the guild issues “should” be resolved but arent.

Even after the new connection, or the connections back in cata, there is no indication ingame which server is connected to which server. Nothing. Most people dont visit the forums to look at the lowest section for their servers to see the connections nor do they visit wow progress that at least tags connected servers.

This entire mess could be easily avoided but blizzard is just too incompetent.

Just so you know there were no connections in cata, they came in the end of 2013 and continued through 2014, that’s late mop.

But yes, don’t think there’s anything to add, I can see disadvantages and advantages of realm connections, mainly having less realms and as such less BMAH items spawning per day, and having a bigger chance to make characters on every single realm, and ofc better economy and more guilds and recruit potential for raiders, BUT if they say we’re gonna connect them they better be ready to do it right, or in this case do it since they completely stopped after the aman’thul’s problems; if you’re not ready to do stuff just don’t do it.

I’ve had to delete some chars I was levelling and remake them on high pops because of the connection announcement, since if I had continued on lower pops there were huge chances I’d have ended up connected to realms I already had chars on.

I can ofc restore them at the level they were at but what if then after 2 months they get connected?

That’s why 0 communication is horrible!

Just to confirm:

  • no new connections this reset?
  • The first ones still arent fixed?

@Zyipp: To my knowledge no to first question and not fully to the latter even on the part of one that sort of worked. :frowning:

I’m pretty sure they still want to connect those 2 german RP realms and those 2 russian realms before announcing more.

Aman’thul-anub’arak essentially worked, and the realm is now more often than not high, while they were respectively low and medium before, there’s only a few problems with guilds and mailboxes left, but at this point only people who play seriously on those realms will notice, personally as a casual player of both of those realms, I’m still in guild where I was before and I wasn’t selling anything in AH, so haven’t noticed problems.