New Realm Connections are Underway

Oh, thank you! That explains a lot!

Not gonna lie, I got pretty nervous there for a second…

The inevitable draws closer every day.

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So does this mean that because my realm (Emerald Dream) is on the EN1 (FR) server, we’re most likely to be merged with one of the other EN1 (FR) realms?

Precisely :slight_smile:

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/e chases the Worgen away with a vacuum cleaner.


Thank you. I had no idea about that. Interesting - many possibilities there, some a lot better for players than others.

Anachronos / Alonsus / Kul’Tiras here.

We’ve recently moved from Medium to Low population, and really need a connection.

Someone mentioned Draenor above, which although a massive realm in itself; it’s predominantly Horde (and our tiny cluster is mostly Alliance), so I don’t think that’s a good fit.

There are many realms that offer a much better Alliance population and could be merged, and are still within our Data Centre cluster (going by Janek’s information).

Anecdotally speaking, the top guilds are leaving our server and we now only have 1 real mythic guild, which is made-up from the remnants of the other guild leaving the server.

PLEASE connect us, soon. Recruitment is suffering.

@Mason: It is likely caused by the fact that the recent connections have already altered the relative size and activity of realms. Several other realms have also taken a “step down” even though they have not actually changed much over the past couple of weeks.

Try to hang on a while longer, you will get connected. We just do not know yet exactly when, but my estimate is within the next two to three weeks. As to with what, that is going to be interesting. As of right now there are still multiple options left and upcoming connections will tell us more as time goes by. When I have a bit more time (hopefully later today), I will make some adjustments to my own notes based on the location list Jånek kindly supplied.

That is really interesting but at the same time its worrying.

When I look at EN1 (FR) and consider some of the servers from there were already connected, two at at full pop and there’s like 1-2 High the rest is pretty much low/medium/dead. That means they’ll connect dead realms to dead realms. That doesn’t really solve much.

its even worse for french servers… 1 data centre is 4 dead server clusters + the RP servers, the other data centre is the rest.

German servers are also pretty lopsided in terms of the data centre groupings, but there the RP servers are split with DieAldor being seperated from the other German RP servers.

Spanish servers are all together in the Paris datacentre, Russian servers are together in Amsterdam/Frankfurt (hard to trackdown exactly but they are all together as well in a seperate data centre).

For german servers however the splits look like this:

  • DERP1 (FR): Die Arguswacht, Todeswache
  • DERP2 (NL): Die Aldor
  • DE1 (FR): Rexxar, Nazjatar, Kargath, Anetheron, Un’goro, Arthas, Arygos, Lothar, Blackmoore, Blackrock, Nefarian, Dethecus, Norgannon, Garrosh, Malygos, Ysera, Teldrassil, Thrall
  • DE2 (NL): Aegwynn, Madmortem, Antonidas, Blackhand, Eredar, Frostwolf

For French servers its as follows:

  • FRRP1 (FR): Confrérie du Thorium, La Croisade écarlate
  • FR1 (FR): Arak-arahm, Vol’jin, Uldaman, Garona
  • FR2 (NL): Naxxramas, Archimonde, marécage de Zangar, Elune, Hyjal, Khaz Modan, Suramar, Ysondre

It depends on what you class as “dead”. What happened with the last round of connections, and what may well happen here, is that they do some connections, and then connect some of those sets of connected realms together.

I’m currently looking at what is left on EN1 that hasn’t yet been connected in this round, and I reckon your realm could well be in the next round, assuming they’re doing them roughly in size order. Having said that, there are 6 or 7 sets of realms that are in a similar boat, number-wise, at the moment, so it depends what they do … if they connect them together with the idea of then potentially connecting that group elsewhere later, of it they connect them to a larger population realm.

Also I’m only going off the figures shown on Wowprogress … and their site for that currently appears to be down, so even that is cached numbers.

just because a realm has gone through one round of connections already doesnt mean it cant go through a second, it has already happened quite a few times even in this connection cycle that servers got connected twice :).

I agree though Kul tiras is likely to be connected soonish, but among all EU servers it ranks at 75/103 on my list. It feels like blizzard is the slowest when it comes to connections in the EU region though especially given its size.

I thought I’d just said that :stuck_out_tongue:

I can see my realm Wildhammer/Thunderhorn is in the EN2 (NL) cluster.
Do you guys have any reason to believe we will be connected to anyone else?
How is the population looking for us?

Cause it seems pretty dead, could use some more players.

I keep looking every week on the maintenance schedule, but no luck so far.

@Eluviel: My brief view on things: Yes, absolutely, you will. Hmmm… Maybe the best wording is something along the lines of not that great, but far less critical than several other realms.

Yes, that is a problem if you’re hoping to be connected to a big ally realm and play on alonsus (or khadgar, or aerie peak, or azuremyst, you get the drill, all of the realms in crz A), because there’s none in there, however I unfortunately didn’t have time to come on forums these days, I wanted to correct a mistake I made, I misread slightly: draenor, burning blade AND tarren mill are the big ones that can be connected to alonsus and the rest, it doesn’t make it better for you I suppose but was a big mistake of mine to leave tarren mill out, can be used to fix horde for some small realms there.

You obviously have plenty of medium sized realms that are ally dominant you could be connected to, so we’ll see where you (we, I have an alt on that realm) end up.

@Linaria: good to have your trust in our predictions!

Yes, absolutely it should be connected seeing the size of the clusters blizzard are making, and you’re lucky (or not, depending on your preference) cause since you’re on the EN 2 there’s plenty of big realms blizzard could choose to connect to you (only 1 will do ofc), generally the EN1 has too many small realms for their big ones, and EN2 has too many big ones for their small ones.

It will be weird if Kul Tiras is connected to Lightbringer. Back in the long ago days when realms could be broken & offline for several days, we had all our alliance on KT & we made some horde characters on LB so there were always characters we could play together.
I know the long realm downtimes don’t exist now, but I feel like a safety valve would have disappeared …

I want to find a raiding guild before shadowlands but im stuck not knowing to transfer or not still :frowning: its been more than 2 months since they announced the connections

On the plus side, we’d be realm-buddies :stuck_out_tongue:

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