New Realm Connections are Underway

Yeah i know we aren’t the most critical realm and i can hear alot of other realms properly need it more.
But i gives me some peace hearing you saying we PROPERLY will be connected at some point.
I’m all for mega realms, we are getting layered anyways and there is a possibility for actually recruit ppl for the guild.

This connection cycle had double-connections?

I mean look at Cenarius(Blackmoore) on US, that initially got connected to Perenolde/Cairne, then to Korgath and now to the frostmane cluster. all those connections happened in the last month…

also on EU side the German RP servers and that Russian one… and in Taiwan they axed 2/3 of servers in the last few weeks (assuming the announced connections go through tomorrow)

so yes it has happened plenty of times.

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Can’t you just apply and only transfer if you pass the trial?

True, but if theres a connection i don’t know what realm it will be to.
So i need to wait until I know which realm, unless i want to fork out.

I mean at this point mythic raids are cross-realm. You can apply to multiple guilds and try out if they fit you. When you find one that suits you transfer if it’s not connected.

id rather save my money and stay on the server with my current mates, and i dont know from which realm i should be applying for for that

Ok, if you merge realms, shouldnt the new realm have a new name? My realm Sylvanas merged with some other realms but its still Sylvanas. The other realms just was erased and Sylvanas name stands for all of them?

They are not merged, when will people get this into their heads?

they basically are in all but name, the old realm basically servers as a redirect link… each connected realm cluster only has 1 active server, most of the time its one of the servers in the cluster but there are a few hosted on hidden “virtual servers” that don’t appear on the realm list.

Where do you get the information on how they are linked together? Are you just guessing?

Visually all the servers keep their own name just like before.

not at all, you scan the ID of players with a macro and compare that to a list of original realm id’s. Which you can get by going to each server and making a macro that goes like:
/run print("You are currently on realm: " .. GetRealmID() .. GetRealmName())

Compare that to what ID your player has and its easy to make out.

Edit: if you want the macro to scan player ID’s its: (you need to target whoever you want to scan though)

/run local name = UnitName("target"); local guid = UnitGUID("target"); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(name.." has the GUID: "..guid);

Alternatively you can get all this data from the Connected Realm API as well but assuming your not an API guru, the in-game macros are probably easier to prove the point.

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We get the information from the player guid information. The guid is an internal code that is used by the game to uniquely identify a player. This code contains and id of the realm the player is from but in the case of a group of connected realms all players from all realms that are connected share the same realm id and that denote that internally only one of the realms of the group exits.

It is easy to check if you have characters in a realm that has been connected that the realmid of the guid change after the connection and even the full guid has changed for some characters. The guid is the unique key used to identify the character in Blizzard’s database, the fact that characters guid change during realms connections denote that at realm connections imply a merger of realms databases into one single database.

So, yes, definitevely realm connection is not just a link of realms that can be undone, is a full realm merge but Blizzard has made so it doesnt look like a full merge, they want to keep the illusion there has not been reduced the number of realms, but realmid and guid changes is a proof that Blizzard has closed down realms.


Thanks, this probably explains it better than I ever could :smiley:

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Btw, all of this week’s connections appear to have worked, in fact definitely worked, the population markers went up in all cases!

  1. Kor’gall (and linked realms, this goes for all connections) was connected to darkspear, they went from low to medium
  2. Dragonblight was connected to karazhan, they went from low and medium to high
  3. Darkmoon faire was connected to defias, DMF went from low to high
  4. Teldrassil was connected to nozdormu, they went from low and medium to high
  5. C’thun was connected to dun modr, c’thun went from low to high
  6. Blackscar was connected to Borean tundra, they went from medium to high

Well done blizzard on a rare 6\6 connections done right!

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Well, this one was weird.

In Wednesday (yesterday) this connection was put on hold, apparently because they needed to review if this connection was a good option.
This was changed at the Spanish realm connection thread:
Where they changed the C’Thun-Dun Modr line to “[EN ESPERA]” that means [ON HOLD].

At 21:00 both realms remained online without any maintenance shutdown messages, until 21:15 where a realm shutdown countdown happened.

if it was on hold it was probably for technical reasons, if those were sorted Blizzard decided to proceed, They struggled with this connection last week, either way its gone through successfully, both databases seem to have been merged and the realms now share the same ID :slight_smile:

For me Dragonblight has disappeared completely from my realm list, can’t find it anywhere!

@Vermastuus: Try sorting in alphabetical order, the connection program sometimes causes weird side effects, like “invisible” existing character count, which usually fixes itself after actually logging into the realm once or twice.

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