New Realm Connections are Underway

Oh that fixed it, thank you very much :slight_smile:

It does seem to have worked tho, Dragonblight is now classed as a HIGH pop realm.

Congratz, you now have a spanish server Cthun on totaly fake HIGHT population. 10k Alliance 2k Horde with this fussion with Dun Modr after four years as low population.

Thanks for (no) lisen the spanish community, twice.

Absolutly pathetic.

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@Acbul: The connection program is not even close to over and as has been discussed, there are still options left even for the Spanish realms. What Blizzard does remains to be seen, but personally I am starting to lean towards only leaving you a total of two realms.

In the past 11 days, a total of 15 groupings that I know of in the EU have taken a step down, including the Spanish Tyrande group that dropped from “High” to “Medium” with latest set of connections last night. This is the side effect of the connections altering the relative realm sizes ( = it does NOT mean that all of those groups lost players).

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Well, there’s sources that said that the ‘on hold’ of yesterday wasn’t because a technical issue but more about review if that connection was a good idea, but whatever, they connected it anyways so well, nothing can be changed now.

do you have a source for that? would be curious if true :smiley:

Ah, indeed, that happens pretty much always, there’s a realm that gets copied to the other realm on every connection, now I’m not sure which of the 2 disappears, the explanation from trelw is right, I had to do the same with dragonblight and several other realms that got connected this round, like c’thun.

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I have not checked with every connection wich realm id changes but in the case of the conection of C’thun and Dun Modr the realm who dissapear was C’thun, my main character just happens to be from C’thun and her internal GUID has changed from C’thun to Dun Modr. I assume the realm that dissapears is the one with less characters because it makes sense between two realms to choose the one with less data to be copied to the other realm that copyng the realm with more characters and more data.

Blizzard literally gives this information away with every forum post update they put out when they announce new connections, the posts are always worded in the format “realm cluster X will join the Realm cluster Y”, in every case the Realm X is the decommissioned one :slight_smile: .

Another hint is that its the one the will block off first so for example currently we have the following servers blocked off:

  • Aerie Peak/Bronzebeard
  • Ambossar/Kargath
  • Conseil des Ombres/Culte de la Rive noire/La Croisade Ă©carlate
  • Greymane/Lich King
  • Booty Bay/Deathweaver

From that we know that those 5 servers are scheduled to be decommissioned next week, even if we don’t know the connection partner yet (though with the French RP one it’s easy to guess).


Thank you, I didn’t notice that pattern because I am following all this connection process but I have not given attention in detail for individual realms except the Spanish ones because all my characters are from those realms. But now that you have explained the patter if Blizzard makes another Spanish connection I could know which one will be decommissioned.

for sure I would expect more Spanish connections but even the posts in other languages are worded in this format :slight_smile:

It won’t be this week though because I did also check the 4 Spanish servers and none of them were blocked off, but I do find it kind of weird that I was able to only find 5 realms this week considering blizzard has usually posted 6 a week pretty consistently for EU as of late. and I did check all 97 EU realms but I couldn’t find a 6th :upside_down_face:.

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I had it too but it fixed after logging once. Problems with the guild haven’t been fixed though. On normal roster most of the characters that are in the guild are missing, only few showing. On /groster command i can see all the members. This is not really a big deal as long as i can access all members via /groster but what is really annoying is that on monday we adjusted guild ranks and removed some players who havent been loggin in for years but after connection all the removed member where added back to guild and ranks were back to what they were before the change. Seems they copied the guild information from several days before the connection instead of copying fresh version just before maintenance. :frowning_face:

So that makes only 1 English connection i suppose unless they announce more later.

They always block realms before giving the slightest hint of an announcement, none of the ones I listed are officially announced either so I cant provide a destination realm for those connections. But yeah its basically guaranteed that we will have just 1 English connection this week, we will see what comes after. :slight_smile:

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Yeah thats too bad.
I just looked up at realm pop at wowprogress and it seems Aerie Peak is still lower pop than Stormrage but we’re next in line hopefully!

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Anyone got a link to the EU maintenance schedule this week or is it not out?
Seems the US is out.

Maintenance for this week is showing that Aerie Peak, Blade’s Edge, Bronzebeard, Eonar and Vek’nilash will be offline Thursday 17th from 21:00 server time until 05:00.

@Rowtan: Hmmm, very basic style and needs further connecting later.

I don’t know what you mean by “basic style” :stuck_out_tongue: Do they normally add flowers or fireworks?

@Rowtan: hearty chuckle I meant “basic style” in the sense that connecting two “Low” classified realms is no way surprising.


Seems like pretty low-pop cluster is being connected to another pretty low-pop cluster. :confused: