New Realm Connections are Underway

Indeed, noticed few mins ago that there’s finally some us connections, who knows, maybe we’ll get a few too this week in eu, but seems very minor stuff, it’s nowhere near enough compared to what’s left, at least if they want to get a similar effect as they did so far with most connections.

I main on that server and I disagee with you, we’re a medium pop now, recruitment is not good for raiding guilds we need more people.


Still so many low pop realms in EU. It’s ok if they want to take a break for a week, but it would be lovely if we got information about what’s happening.


There are some funky problems happening in US now as well, I agree though that more communication would be nice…


I wonder if they’ve decided they need a break to try and fix some of the background issues causing problems with connecting realms - so they they can then just increase the number of connections happening each week. Or I wonder if that’s just wishful thinking :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you kindly dear stranger. The realm was indeed sorted away somewhere further down in oblivion. Found it.

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At this point there’s reasons to believe they might stop with the connections here and probably restart doing them when SL hype dies down, 2-3 months after launch, cause like pointed out there were only 2 connections in us, 1 being the final oceanic connection and one being a re-try from past week, and at this point there’s only 24h to the time they normally connect in eu and still nothing, so at least this week is gone, and with the pre patch coming, one starts to wonder if it’s not just a week missed but a sign of a break.

Obviously communication hasn’t been blizzard’s strongest suit, they didn’t say they’d connect more realms in the us but they also didn’t say they were done for now, and in eu last week they said they’d connect more, but then it didn’t happen, so this is just a guess depending on the circumstances I’ve seen ofc.

As far as the intensity of their connections goes, I believe we should be around halfway the eu program, so if they continue in a while after SL launch, it’s gonna take again around 3 months to finish.

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That is my worry, that they are taking a break for pre-patch AND SL launch.
While most people want it done or close to done at/before SL launch.

Personally I don’t mind it that much. Other than the AH being rather ‘crap’ on offerings and that is not the greatest with a new expansion. But still… it should have scaled upwards over time and I feel its only gotten clunkier.

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But that is the issue, people are being screwed for SL launch.
If they take a break there’s nothing for us just to transfer, who want to start on a dead server where you have like… 1 serious raiding guild.


It does feel a little unfair, if they have hit pause … or even stopped completely. After all, they did say they would continue connecting all the low realms, and they obviously have not done that. And for those realms that should be connected, but haven’t, their guilds may well suffer more at SL launch than if they had been connected as promised.

Personally, it won’t affect our guild too much, however, I can see it potentially being a death knell for those already struggling - perhaps just hanging on and holding out hope that they get more people come the new expansion.

On the other hand, if it is just a pause, bearing in mind all the recent Connection issues, including the recent one where people had their characters rolled back to MoP status, I can understand Blizzard thinking it would be good to just try and fix whatever it is that seems to be causing these problems, before the inevitable influx of returning players. I certainly wouldn’t want to trade the positive of having my realm being Connected, with my characters all suddenly being many levels lower than they should be, at the start of SL :stuck_out_tongue:

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Update thread got unpinned :thinking:

Not really sure what to make of this.

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I do hope that doesn’t mean they are finished making connections as there are so many low population realms left.

There is a US thread made a day ago listing some connections.

Some other languages Connections posts are still pinned.

I don’t hope they’re finished or paused already. There seem to be quite a few servers still missing.

I also hope they’d announce if they’d take a break or were finished.

I expect no more server connections to come and them never mentioning anything regarding them again.

They better not be bloody done with them, have they not seen the realm status? Most servers are still in an abysmal state, this is nothing short of stupidity if they’ve " finished "


I would read it exactly as they are done for now :/, Kaivax unpinned it and he is from the US and really only posts in the English forums so maybe when the EU Blues come into the office we can see what happens in the other languages…

On an other note the Alleria/Medivh connection got cancelled/postponed again due to that Khadgar bug so we only have that OCE connection and one Redo in Taiwan this week, once those are connected the only outstanding one left will be Alleria/Medivh.

You know Blizzard communication with community was always bad but this is a new low even for them.

So they connected some servers that were much higher pop than others while dead ones are even more dead now.
I just login to my server and on /who there were 41 players total. It’s even less on the horde side.

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I think /who doesn’t work many times. are you sure?

Yeah it’s pretty much the case since 2+ years on our server.

https: //ibb. co /9gn0Qfk

remove spaces

if you press the button right of the ‘‘quote’’ button on the edit menu you can post links as plain text


even draenor alliance has more player xD although we do have 3-4 multibox farmers with 10 alts each so it doesnt count haha