New Realm Connections are Underway

There you go, horde side - 23 players in total.

Not saying I think your server is doing well, but the amount of people online on a Thursday morning doesn’t really prove anything.

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60 players in total at any given time or day for an entire EU server does prove a lot.

I just checked all my alts and all show 50 which is, I presume, the maximum shown. Even horde on KT/Alon/Anach shows 50 which surprises me.
I’m sorry, Deed. You seem to be in much greater need that us.

hyperventilates into a paper bag in the corner.

I’m still more and more concerned. I’ve been campaigning for my RP server to get another merger for 5 years, and now we may be the one RP server left out of mergers? Increasing our emptying out, rather than fixing it? This could be a disaster


I think the max it shows on a /who is 49? I use, at the moment, a census addon, and it does a /who for each level grouping (120, 110-119, etc) then if it gets a result of 49, it breaks it down into classes, I think it is 
 so then looking at 120 hunters, 120 warlocks, etc. If that comes back with 49, then it breaks it down again. That way, eventually, it will come back with an accurate (ish) number.

There was a post a while back:

That states that more connections were being planned, and that they were going to make an additional notication this week. I’m going to hope they were telling the truth.

Yeah max is 49 however even now in search window i type “druid” (that will find all alliance druid on server at any level range) i got results like:

12 druids
16 mages
3 monks
7 warriors
9 warlock

the numbers are pathetic unfortunately.

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Please connect lightbringer server somewhere, if you ignore it it will just stay as dead server.
Thank you.


I don’t think they would be done, but the issues certainly are piling up and id imagine they don’t want to have a whole bunch of them still around when shadowlands launches
 The lack of communication though in my opinion just exasperates the situation because everyone is just left guessing.

one interesting note however though is assuming the last 3 outstanding connections happen, worldwide (minus CN) we would have gone from 260 servers down to 182 (a drop of exactly 30%)
 and there are 91 classic servers world wide which means there is exactly twice the amount of retail servers compared to classic.

China should have 138 Retail servers and 94 classic servers assuming no further connections as well.

I might have to point out that while alonsus (where I play with 3 alts, 1 on each old server, all horde) is particularly weak on horde, assuming you checked at 11.30 and the druid checked at 9.30, you might’ve checked at a time that favours alonsus obviously, in any case the server is supposed to be a little bigger overall, and azuremyst was the next smallest english realm due to connections, along with bronze dragonflight.

Agree that 60 players at any given time is terrible, and even more so at 9 a.m., cause in the middle of night they’re capable to go under 10 for horde and probably under 20 for alliance!

And I know, it’s not fair what they’re doing, there were realms that were roughly as low as azuremyst like lordaeron, which is german, and they’ve been connected to realms like blackmoore, which was already full, so the small realm became full too, so they’ve been extremely aggressive with some connections, and then stopping for a few months leaves the unconnected servers in a bad state.

Don’t even get me started on the spanish situation, for who’s unfamiliar the situation was this:

Uldum, big server full horde
Dun modr, big server full ally
Tyrande and Exodar, medium size ally dominant servers with horde numbers about half the alliance
C’thun, small server full horde

Now my reasoning was: connect tyrande, exodar and c’thun and leave a good ally population and a decent horde one.

Blizzard’s decision? Connect dun modr and c’thun, so you have a lot of allys and a small number of hordes, so a much worse situation for horde than you could’ve got otherwise.

Some people defended the decision saying they would connect exodar to a group and tyrande to the other group later, but even that would’ve left a seriously worse inbalance than my idea, and now with a pause in the connections, I don’t think c’thun horde players or the players of any faction on tyrande and exodar will be happy to be left on “empty” realms.

After many years of playing the game, my account was unfairly banned, and the reason is that I use a bot and this is not correct. I try to contact the specialists, but there is no response.

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A thread on server connections isn’t the place for ban appeals, you have to submit a ticket, also you may want to delete your email from your other post, this is a public forum after all.

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I notice that the blue post regarding new connections has been un-pinned.

Does this mean that all the EU connections have been completed ?

It’s possible they are done, would be nice if we could get confirmation.

Pretty sure yes, sometimes in the past it got unpinned accidentally, but this time combined with the other signs I think they’re indeed on a break.

They certainly can’t consider the objective to give all realms a decent population achieved though, cause plenty of realms still have significantly lower population than even the smallest connections they did recently, so they should really continue with them, likely when the SL launch hype is over.

yes that would be nice, I’ve been waiting because if no connection is to be on my realm (which is dead / low) I am going to transfer. Been waiting weeks now.

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I think we’re all hoping not. Even according to the last Blizzard post on that thread, they weren’t done. We can only assume (because there’s no other information elsewhere) that, if they’re true to their word, there are still more to come, but they’re hitting a pause for some reason. Would be really nice if we could get some enlightenment though :stuck_out_tongue:

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Didn’t even know. Step in the right direction.

Hoping not but it doesn’t seem good, there is a whole slew of issues that have been occurring and its just piling up, with it being this close to the prepatch and by extension expansion id imagine they don’t want these kind of rollback/lost char issues plaguing the shadowlands release
 Hopefully they can take some time to figure out the root cause and create better processes for it going forward, they are already getting better at it when you compare to the early connection attempts
 But for now Saurfang - > Caelestrasz is complete and successful, Sundown Marsh - > Skywall is still down but by every indication that should go through just fine and that only leaves Medivh -> Alleria which obviously was put off due to all the issues with Khadgar

Once those are sorted I would imagine they will try to do that connection again next week before the prepatch goes live but for anything else well it seems like the writing is on the wall, just wish there was more communication, :confused: and hopefully there will be more connections going forward in shadowlands.


Looks like they’re done. 10/10 fail communicating with playerbase either way. Super hard to throw a comment on the relevant threads after all by Blizz.