New Realm Connections are Underway

And probably a queue that ends with a disconnect.

They shouldn’t have merged the servers to start with, knowing they’d be way to full when SL launches.

As I said in a post yesterday, I’ve payed for a transfer to Kilrogg from a dead server. I’ve deliberatly had chosen Kilrogg because this wasn’t a full server (I had troubles in the past - in the very beginning of WoW with full servers and endlessly long waiting queues).

After the transfer, they suddenly decide to merge servers, while they know very well when there’s a new expac coming up, ppl will come back and the servers would be way to full. But they did it anyways.
Let us pay for our prescription (and transfers) and than take away our playtime with these freaking full servers and failed login attempts.

I wonder; are we gonna get re-imbursed for the money we’ve payed? (prescription time is ticking off even when you can’t play, f.e.) Are we gonna get a free transfer to a NON FULL server - least they could do, actually - give us the option to choose if we wanna play on a full server or not.

Crap, Blizzard. There’s so much I wish to say right now. But I’ll restrain myself or this is gonna end up in a not so friendly rant with words you might not wanna read on a forum. :rage:

Login server ques arent affected by server mergers, all the ques were from either the login authentication servers or the blizzard launcher, neither of which would have been averted if server mergers weren’t a thing

If it were an actually server que you would see it after selecting your realm from the ream list and it would say “Realm is full” thankfully those should be a thing of the past.

Also what a server is marked as on the realm list is relative at least loosely to other realms in the same region
 “Full” doesn’t actually mean that a server is near capacity.

And thats why server mergers don’t affect realm queues
 everyone needs to authenticate through the same login servers regardless if your on Bronze Dragonflight or Draenor. If those are backed up everyone will get a queue.


Well, thank you for clearing that up! At least we get more info from you than we get from Blizz :wink:

 sorry I was actually joking 
 I know the login servers aren’t the same as realm queues 
 and I know for a fact that our very low pop realm is very unlikely to get queues - even back when queues were more likely during the first days of a new expansion, when we were at a decent population level, we rarely had queues :stuck_out_tongue:

Just felt like a bit of irony that we are on a very low pop realm, but they’re giving us a message that suggests we’re not :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t worry, half of the posters on the forums think thats the case.

“omg my server is so overpupulated i got login queue”
/who druid
12 players found



What a gigantic garbage bin of a protocol. Incredibly malicious.

Once again, I condemn whoever made this decision and hope they fail in every future aspect of their career that involves making these decisions.

Although /who is currently broken too. I can do a /who druid and it gives me a random smattering of druids of all levels and locations 
 but doesn’t include the druid currently online in my own guild 


That is true the since some time /who worked only for levels 20 and above I think it was changed somewhere around introduction of allied races however after the prepatch it works more or less the same - it shows level 20 and above however 20 is equivalent of what? 80? 90?

Regardless i was refering to my scans before the prepatch and the numbers were pathetically low. I could not find more than 30 of each class at the same time regardless if it was morning, evening, raid night whatever. Prepatch might brought some curious players in, some tourists but soon enough it’ll be normal again. Dead normal. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, and there was also a problem started early september or something like it where it only showed around half the players that are actually on on who, I noticed this looking at some of the few active guilds I’m on, even if they are high enough level to be shown.

And obviously like you said, under level 20 is still impossible to find with who, but the 20 is not the 20 before the patch, it’s like 50 now, which means who will be even more inadequate for levelling population purposes.

Multiboxer Nirvana

So the 3 months are long over.

The prepatch is now live as well.

Any news?

What’s up party people in Irvine? Anything you got for us or are you just going to merge servers as soon as the 30% off of realm transfers is gone?

They’re not going to say anything to us about what’s going on, if anything. People have tried multiple ways to contact Blizzard, but the most we’ve gotten was a German CM helping someone having a technical issue while ignoring all the questions sent his way. It honestly must be a directive from the higher-ups to not say anything about the Server Connections.

I’ve said elsewhere that what with the pre-patch, expansion release & end-of-year holidays, that IF they plan to continue with the connections it won’t be anytime before early/mid 2021 at the earliest.

It’s rather depressing, but there’s nothing more we can personally do about it

On the bright side, if the expansion is good the influx of new and returning players should help revitalize the lower pop servers somewhat. Or so I hope anyway.

Yup, because tourists are the inhabitants of a city.


Servers may be a bit less dead the first month or two, that’s about it. Nothing will change if servers don’t get merged.

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Either that or the people organising the connections haven’t passed the information to Community.

I’ll grant you that that is also a possible reason. It would be nice if the CMs told us that they hadn’t heard anything yet instead of just staying silent, though. Might have done some good PRwise.

Either way, the end result is the same. We are kept in the dark and seemingly ignored. It’s just

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That still suggests that information is being deliberately with-held 
 irrespective of level :wink:

they need to stop this ruening the fun of the game i want to play on low pop server :frowning:

Transfer to Lightbringer 
 we’re a low pop server :wink: