New Rogue PvP talent in 10.1 is exactly what's wrong with the game

Your arguments are literally “they should because I think so” while ignoring ours based ingame testing, referencing videoes, mentioning spells’ mechanics contra others, statistics and ladder participation of the class. Then you also attack people all the while being self-contradictory. Reading through your posts is actually hilarious.

Wait, what? What doors does this open. Aswell, as this jewel where some player wrote “Combo points need to be tied to a target and reset when you attack another one again. Rogue problem solved” to which you responded “But that is the most unfun gameplay ever. That was one of a very few changes that were good in my opinion.” What did you suggest in your last reply? But the best is “Rating flames aren’t usually my thing, but in this case[…]” which definitely is your thing, my dear, as the post is preceded by several others in which you flame people for their rating. You are such a character.