New Rogue PvP talent in 10.1 is exactly what's wrong with the game

Your arguments are literally “they should because I think so” while ignoring ours based ingame testing, referencing videoes, mentioning spells’ mechanics contra others, statistics and ladder participation of the class. Then you also attack people all the while being self-contradictory. Reading through your posts is actually hilarious.

Wait, what? What doors does this open. Aswell, as this jewel where some player wrote “Combo points need to be tied to a target and reset when you attack another one again. Rogue problem solved” to which you responded “But that is the most unfun gameplay ever. That was one of a very few changes that were good in my opinion.” What did you suggest in your last reply? But the best is “Rating flames aren’t usually my thing, but in this case[…]” which definitely is your thing, my dear, as the post is preceded by several others in which you flame people for their rating. You are such a character.

Cloak already make rogues immune to Intimidation (Hunter stun) unless it hits them from the back, which seems to happen more often than I’d like. Can’t get it out of my head that they now have potentially 2 stellar immunities to that.

Impossible intimidation is a physical stun cloak is only about magical, you probably either stun in a triple Dr stun or the guy had evasion up as well.

Also on wow head it says can’t be dodge/blocked/parry so you cna stun even into evasion.

Then it’s a bug, I’ve tried this multiple times and was shocked the first times as well.
And they seem to be immune from the back sometimes as well, as pets automatically try to be behind their target.
I can confirm that evasion is never up when this happens.
From a quick search on the forums about exactly this, it seems like it is one of the few physical immunities cloak gives, albeit very inconsistently.

Post from Bicmex (best Survival Hunter EU) I found

Cloak of Shadows works in 2 phases

For the first 2 seconds you’re immune to basically everything “magical” with a pseudo physical application, some examples are Crusader Strike, Templar’s Verdict, Serpent Sting, Intimidation and some Enhancement spells like Lava Lash.
The last 3 seconds will just work on every REAL magical application, think of spells that you can negate if you cast a silence on someone, some examples are Lightning Bolt, Smite, Fireblast, Starsurge, Wrath etc etc.

Note that throughout the entirety of cloak you’re immune to DoT applications, even if you can still take magical damage during the last 3 seconds of cloak. Some examples are Wildfire Bomb, Serpent Sting and Concentrated Flame in BFA.

tl;dr - first 2 seconds of cloak you’re immune to basically EVERYTHING with a magical application, last 3 seconds of cloak you’re immune pretty much most spells that can’t be used if the caster is silenced

@shadenox he knows well this kind of thing, let’s see if he comes.

It’s more the first 0.5s to 1s maybe and then 4s/4.5s than 2 and then 3, but that is indeed how it works. I made a pretth detailed explanation as to how it works further up in the thread, if you wish.

You first are immune to every magical effect and damage in the game, then only spells (as the tooltip actually states if you take the time to read it). Attacks (Envenom, Arcane Shot etc) that deal magic damage aren’t spells, and thus go through the second part.

It is not true though that you are immune to DoT application for the whole duration. DoTs can be applied only if they aren’t applied by a spell or considered a spell themselves. For example if another Rogue melees you past the “first phase”, you get the poisons. It’s just that very few magic DoTs are applied through non-spell effects. There was a time where many DoTs could be reapplied through Cloak, but I think that this number has dwindled as expansions went by because Blizzard changed a few mechanics sneakily.

So, Cloak doesn’t block anything physical at all every during the first part. It is very possible though that it has unintended interactions with some abilities. Maybe Intimidation. I don’t think I personally have ever randomly cloaked a pet stun, so I don’t know if it’s something that 100% happens or if the bug is somewhat random.

All of that being said, if you played at low-ish or medium elo, there is a somewhat troll honor talent called Veil of Midnight. It has the exact same icon as Cloak of Shadows, and its effect is that for 2s after leaving stealth (so, stealth, but also vanish, meld, etc) you have 100% dodge chance. Maybe you stunned into that and thought it was Cloak, could it be possible ?

lol nah they ain’t though.

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