I have a suggestion for another season based in an alternate Azeroth where Horde and Alliance are collaborating rather than at war. Players can roll any race as normal, but with the following changes:
- Horde and Alliance players are friendly to each other (see below for discussion of pvp)
- Everybody speaks the same “common” and shares the same channels.
- Horde and Alliance can group and raid together.
- All players can interact with and are friendly to both side’s NPCs
- All quests are open to both horde and alliance players.
That’s the core of it. Obviously this is very PVE focused, but I think you could still incorporate PVP still by perhaps having two other factions (maybe pirate or centaur factions) that players could earn rep and pvp rewards for by running battlegrounds, completing world pvp objectives or using war mode.
Some other optional and more experimental ideas that could fit under the banner of “Collaboration”:
- Nothing is soulbound
- All quests can be completed when in raid
- Increase maximum number of people a raid group can hold to 50.
- All dungeons and raids have their max player limit removed. They are still balanced for the numbers of players they are designed for (and drop corresponding amounts of loot for those numbers), but this change means you can include extras if you want to and don’t need to turn anybody away. if you want to 50-man RFC, you can.
- Increased xp buff when in groups
- Instant mail
- No debuff limit
Would you play this?