New Secondary stat penalty


I don’t like it at all. It makes it way harder to optimize your stats. I don’t understand its purpose as well. If it’s about end of expansion stuff … well guess what you can have the penalty kick in only on higher ratings not at 25% which is pretty low. Otherwise, it just complicates things.

Oh and it doesn’t simplify gearing. Suppose you got a higher ilvl item with your best stats but that item makes you break some of those intervals. Should you equip it or not? It’s higher ilvl and it has your best stat but you can lose dps by equipping it! So now you not only you have to worry a bout your best stat and ilvl but also about the break points …

It’s a lose-lose on all fronts. Blizz didn’t think this through.


Especially what blizzard wants, more simming.
but this item has 100 haste! - no no, it has only 50

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Kinda applicable to everything blizz has done in BFA.

I get that they want avoid another fire mage full mastery corruption scenario, but this thing is a brutal flat application of the concept that affect everyone regardless of the class.
Stats have different impact on how class play, it’s not the same scaling down mastery for a mage and scaling down haste for a paladin.

Really blizz, play your own game first for god sake, and then do things.

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This is ridiculous.

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Is this a fix of stat stacking corruptions? I thought we got rid of corruption in shadowlands. It just makes no sense. Do we get a system like bonus stats % back in shadowlands?

I don’t believe it will be a big issue. You need to sim gear anyway as the value of secondaries is not constant, so I don’t see why it would lead to an increase in sims. Also, if you look at the graph on Wowhead

the impact isn’t that massive. I am not sure how noticeable the change will be.

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Blizzard : We don’t want players to rely on raidbots Sims.
Also Blizzard : do everything to push players using raidbots Sims.

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Dare I say…?


I told you so.

This is the only way they can solve the issue of stat inflation, which is an issue that Blizzard created themselves when they heard the vocal minority.

The solution is simple.

Bring back Hit/Exp. It is much easier to understand you need this much % of hit/exp rather than simming every drop.

I don’t think the intention was to stop sims from being done (they know they can’t stop it), more like stopping stat stacking which benefits various traits and stuff, surely with legendries in Shadowlands there are going to be some specific ones which make certain stats much more beneficial.

Hit is a crap stat. You spend the whole early game making sure you have x% and then you spend the rest of the time making sure you don’t lose it. Its literally pointless except to lower stats on other items…

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You think it is crap. I think the current stat system is crap. We can do this all day.

That required what? 10 seconds of thinking? It was not even as bad as the stats now.

Here you go

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Yes it was, because you couldn’t remove certain items until you got upgrades that had hit on them. The stat was so crap that many pve specs had hit in talents to reduce the need for gear…

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I got flaged and removed, but : Hit and expertise were annoying because if you didn’t reach cap, then you had to loose other stats to get those caps. I also said boring at best because reforge lite would simply reforge stats, but that’s it.

Also, they don’t interact with gameplay : More haste reduce GCD, mastery does something different for each spec, so on and on.

This is good riddance.

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This graph tell me that if i had 1500 haste in bfa it will be like 1150 in shadowlands. Im not happy with this.

400 stats down the drain, thats 8 gems less

Lets say i will still main shadow, and for some reason mastery will be a sh!t stat as it is now, i will be forced to go beyond stats penalties while another classes will benefit from 3 stats instead of 2.

In the end this doesn’t really change anything. We’ll still sim for any piece to see if it’s an upgrade.

Well we need to remember we did the same moveing from Legion to BFA as we lost 3 slots with stats on and they aslo added the GCD which made most spec very clunky .
I hope we never see hit or expertise back pointless stats and the difference of melee needing only 7.5% compared to spell caster 15% . I thought Ion’s idea was just to put on any new piece you get as long as its higher item level .

Edit just to say i agree with you just its something we are used to :frowning:

Meanwhile fire mages still got 100% crit talents. Devs spit in our faces.

Its devs responsibility to make game balanced and make players to be not able to reach this high stats. Like some classes in this expansion could get to 700% mastery wtf. Fire mages got free crits and tones of mastery. I cant understand the class design this way.

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Blizzard could have just made corruption stacking not allowed. Just max R3 of everything and higher than that got ignored. The current crap situation is 100% on blizz :frowning:

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Also blizzard: “Reforging was too confusing for players”

When it comes to gearing, Blizzard always seems to contradict themselves every time.

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