NEW Spanish server announced

Probably not enough to fill a PvE server.


The amount of pvp servers and queue on pvp servers makes it clear that EU players don’t really want to play on PVE.

We have 3 English Normal, 1 RP, 1 French Normal, 3 German Normal and 1 Russian Normal. Though the bulk have gone for PvP servers there is still enough interest in being gank free. Just no where near the scale of PvP. Even at the worst point our queues were far less than any PvP realm.

I believe this was true back in vanilla too though, there were more PvP servers than any other type.

Good news for the Spanish players.

I also hope this means new RP Realms and/or free transfers from them for Queue Refugees will be in the making soon, too.

I think this would be the main reason. And now in spanish forum not everybody wants to migrate to the new server. They are arguing the unbalanced ratio horde/alliance and the fear of a dead server in few months.

So… “Give me a server! Give me a server! Give me a server!”

[Blizzard working in a new spanish server]

“Hmmm, ok, i think i’m fine here, i don’t want a server now”

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This should be done at the start of the game and not 3 weeks later even when we change our main servers 2 times.

Of course we are happy about it but a lot of our Spanish players will stay on their servers , splitting our small community even more than it is now.


Im surprised about the overall reaction of the replys in this thread, was expecting other kind of replys while opening the URL , great community .

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Blizzard offers a free migration for everybody. What is the difference between now or three weeks ago? You’ll have your character lvl60 or 40 in the new server.

There is also the conspiracy theory that Blizzard creates the spanish server for the benefit of english servers. “Servers cleaning”.

And RP, but I guess they could RP in any server.

Blizz usually dont care much about their own RP server policies on rp servers.

ye … im sure that "a lot " of people will move to another dead realm .

just like a lot of people moved to 3 recently added dead realms.

This is awesome news.

can we get some news on merging Dragonfang or paid transfers? that would really solve everything <3

This is amazing news since Spanish speakers have some of the lowest percentage of people who can speak English in EU.
This will result in more Spanish speakers being able to find people who understand them and less English speakers going “Pulp Fiction mode” on their case.

Thank you blizzard for making a decision that will help everyone involved a lot


I always think it’s a shame if some seek to disrupt RP activities. I avoid RP servers because it’s not my thing. I think some people have a great imagination acting out their characters. I don’t really understand why people go there if they aren’t into RP.

I realise some may have gone there with the server queues being so bad at the start.

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Hope you will make use of this guys, for all those who asked for it. Might even create a char to see how things goes around in it.

But I think free transfer should be given for all spanish players who wishes to transfer, not only pvp. Maybe depending on lvl? Idk

Or maybe they want to see if spanish are really interested in a spanish server, then create a pve and do the same thing.

If Spanish people don’t take the transfer, then I doubt Blizzard will listen to the Spanish community in the future



I hope you will be happy with your server. I didn’t understand why you didn’t get one at the very beginning. Your servers have a decent population in retail. And, Spanish is a language spoken world-wide. I’m sure your server is going to have a healthy population when it comes to numbers.


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Thank you. As a spanish player I do my best to comunicate in english. It’s ok in chat/small groups but when the 40 raid time comes I know that I will feel more comfortable in voice chat using my own language. I imagine that the rest of the castellano/valenciano/catalán speaking community is in a similar situation.

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