NEW Spanish server announced

"Hello everyone!

We have read many comments and requests from Spanish-speaking players who currently play WoW Classic in many other kingdoms and we want to inform you that:

We are working on the creation of a new kingdom of WoW Classic in this region for Spanish players.

It will be a PvP kingdom to which characters from any other PvP kingdom from the same region can be transferred for free (for a limited time). Obviously, you should only migrate if you prefer to communicate in Spanish.

Although we still cannot offer you a date, we wanted you to know that it is something we are working on and that we hope it will be available soon.

In the next few days we will tell you what the kingdom will be called, when it will open its doors and when you can migrate to your characters for free.

Thank you!"


This is good news for the queues, I guess, since lots of Spanish players will move to the new server.

Huzzah! Blizzard fixed the queue times! :slight_smile:


god bless blizzard

Now spaniards stop to blame in every thread “REINO ESPANOL JAJAJA”

This is great news!

I met many Spanish people on English Classic realms who’re usually very friendly and try their best to communicate, yet I can tell that they would prefer their own Spanish realms because whenever they talk in chat, or advertise their guild, a lot of us English (ignorant) people like to either mock them or tell them to speak English, and I feel bad for them.


I’ve shared the news on Pyrewood Village sub forum and on the Pyrewood Village sub Reddit. Our server is one of the ones the Spanish chose to go to.

Good news :slight_smile:


Our server is extremely Spanish heavy too. Probably 50% of the server.

How fantastic for Spanish players who wanted this. I hope the Spanish guys in our guild won’t feel they need to move, but I wish them all the best if they do.


This is fantastic news, provided they all move of course. Ones that obnoxiusly whisper you something in spanish or spam spanish in party/general chats.

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I don’t think i will move from gehennas.

This is fantastic news. I am really happy for all the Spanish people who wanted this. For anyone deciding to move there I wish you all the best. Let’s leave all the pre-launch and launch negativity behind and let it be a parting in friendship. Adios Amigos!


I think that it’s to late to move on a spanish server for us. I guess that perhaps the best decision for the spanish community will be stay in our respective realms. I like Golemmagg, it is a competitive server and all people that i find there are very fine so… I’ll stay there.

Happy to hear for those who have been wanting this for so long.
One certainly cannot have it all, I know that :slight_smile: But I do wish they would offer a PvE server too.

This is pretty awesome news, I really hope they let all current teams free transfer there :slight_smile:

Well done Spaniards

IYea I just shared the news on general in pyrewood village but instantly got called a racist?? Not sure what people are on but it’s good news for the Spanish!

Terrific news for the Spanish players. This should have been done a long time ago.

That’s great, I’m glad they finally listened to you guys :slight_smile:

Oh, I didn’t get that. I joined the españa channel and shared the news and linked the article. I got /w ty and everything. I apologised for not being able to speak Spanish and left.

Thank god. I’m sick of playing on what has become a Spanish server

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The problem is there will be only one PvP server, so people in Pyrewood won’t migrate. At least that seems in the spanish forum.

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I’m surprised they aren’t giving them a PvE and PvP server :frowning:

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