Hey there … and welcome to the Dark Side!!! 
I run an 18+ horde guild on the joint realms of Lightbringer/Mazrigos. We are a social/casual raiding guild primarily made up of people erm … a little older than 18
Most of us have families, jobs, responsibilities and complicated real lives, and just play wow as a way to enjoy a bit of down time and occasionally kill a few bad guys.
A lot of our members are altaholics … ie, they like to play a variety of characters depending on how the mood takes them … and have a wide array of interests, from those who have no interest in raiding but do dungeons, achievements, exploring, pet battles, collecting, etc, to those who raid a little or a lot.
As such, there’s a wide range of experience within the guild … so there’s usually someone who can answer questions and help with problems.
We raid casually … we only focus on Normal and Heroic level raids (we might pop into a Mythic if we’re bored and have the enthusiasm for it … but it’s usually at the end of an expansion, or into an old raid for acheivements).
We have no attendance requirements for raiders … nor any rank requirements. Any member of the guild can sign up for any raid, as often or as irregularly as they want. Obviously there are some gearing requirements … but that’s it.
Our raids are usually on a Wednesday and a Friday, 9.30pm to midnight server time (8.30 to 11pm UK time), with the occasional additional raid on a Sunday late afternoon.
We’re probably what you’d class as a “mid-range” guild for numbers. There’s usually someone on during the day, but it’s usually only in single figures (not including the weekends). Evenings are busier … ranging from perhaps half a dozen to 30+ online at the same time.
We have our own Teamspeak server for raid communications, plus discord for any other comms, including with non-guild members - we also use discord as an offline guild chat - share pictures of our pets, that type of thing 
We do have a recruitment process, which includes an application form … which does put some people off … but honestly I feel that it is worth it. (but then … I would say that
If you’d like some additional information you can check out our realm forum advert: [H] <Dark Wolves> Social & Casual Raiding Guild (18+)
Or you can go direct to our website at www.darkwolves.eu
Regardless of what you decide, I wish you all the best finding a suitable home.