New System to Buy Elite PvP Sets from Previous Expansions

There should be a way to buy PvP elite sets from previous expansions. Especially that past mythic raids are soloable and mythic sets from previous expansions can be easily obtained.

To keep it fair you should be 1800+ rated in current season to be able to buy elite sets from previous expansions for your class. This could be done in one of two ways:

  1. Once you reach 1800 you can buy elite sets for 120 Mark of Honor (up from 12 for normal sets)
  2. For each rated game won above 1800 you’re filling a bar and once filled to 100% you receive a token which you can exchange for an elite set for your class. Similar to the Vicious Saddle system

First option advantage is that there would be a new way to spend Marks of Honor. People who play PvP for quite some time sit on a lot of Marks and don’t have what to spend them on.

Second option advantage is that it would increase PvP participation. Rating distribution data on Drustvar shows that there’s a sharp decline in rating distribution above 1800. So there’s a lot of players who lose interest in playing once they get their elite set. This would still keep them interested in playing the game.



How about we remove mythic sets after the season ends?

No thanks, past season sets were actually elite and required more than 1.8k.

Add more rewards across all ratings. Add unique PvP sets like in wod. Add weapon enchants which are desired. Make wow arena more accessible for new players.


To be fair. I dont see any reason why they are not available. Atleast previos expansions. If u started pvp novadays u have no chance achiev them.


Which is the point of fomo rewards. Why should i play the whole addon? Let me sub two weeks in the last season and get all stuff with one push.

no, its not fair for players to buy something they did not earn

i would quit if this became a thing

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Why i should progress mythic raids (For sets) when i can just buy boost or wait one two expansions and easily farm them… Both pve pvp should have same rules. Seasonal items should show prestige in that season not lifetime time trophy for measuring d***.


a compromise could be

you need 2400 rating before buying previous expac elite gear


Can i have your gold when it happen ?

you dont have big enough bags to hold my wealth

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Considering the one’s before BFA required 2k, how would that be fair?

If you mean by hundreds of boosts going on daily, sure.

Probably due to the fact Blizzard keeps lowering the reward requirement.

1.8 is already welfare loot with solo shuffle, if you didnt get it when it was actually “challenging” you dont deserve another chance at them frankly.

  • PVP is way more dynamic / challenging than pve so i dont see how its comparable to Mythic recoloursd

You dont see it ?
PvE gets seasonal sets and a mount, a meta achievement.
PvP gets seasonal sets, mount and meta achievement.
? no ?

Yes sir pls

No ty.

Let’s talk once I can get Ashbringer etc. Atiesh

2k would probably be better as many old sets were and it would fill the reward gap

That’s a bit low. Would say 12k mark of honor and 10 vicious saddle should make it a bit more grindy and not free to get

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Almost NOBODY earned HW/GM gear and yet I see people walking around with that all the time. I don’t care what rating you get now 0.03% of players earned that gear and this is when Wow had a player base much bigger than now. People are quite happy to run around with that.
Old content gets made easy to obtain, that’s life.

Okay you do realize people had to actually be somehow decent at the game to obtain elite sets especially 2200 ones? Let’s make them welfare like everything that’s in the game currently lmao.

You couldn’t just q zoo shuffle spawn at 1800 be terrible at the game and get rewarded for it.

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Imagine giving Cata 2.2k elite sets to bgblitz 1800 earners…

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But one thing we all can agree on. Wod elite sets need to have recolours released. They were the best elite sets and had unique models

Still feel bummed for being to lazy to grind them out on more than 1 char xD

This is true. They did it for PVP gear we earned in vanilla, they do it for all raids, they did it for legendary weapons…ect.

WoD sets…ugh…well if you like a weapon that looks like its made out of bone and armor that looks like its made by a cave man. To each their own.