New System to Buy Elite PvP Sets from Previous Expansions

Depends on the season. Season 1 had the bone swords which looked nice , but later seasons had goated fel stuff with purple elite flair

Were all over the place, nothing with bone outside of Druid I think.

Idk man, I tried cata classic and it doesn’t really seem challenging to me. I think it’d be fair if you got 1 token for 2400 or 2500 or maybe a dynamic bracket since blitz rating is a joke.

Cata is a very bad example game is almost as bad as retail. Expansion ruled by variations of triple dps comps. It is the most dead variation of WoW there’s ever been pretty sure.

Gatekeepers gonna gatekeep.

I think all items should be available but then I don’t measure my self worth by whether I have a certain shade of pixels.

Perhaps they could add a FoS for earning it when it was current content then you can still brag.


Just look at the state of the game, its total chaos, i dont even think anything has any value anymore.
Every item should be obtainable.

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Oh I see it, but its still comparing apples to oranges, its a small ask compared to PvE.

PVE gets seasonal set, a mythic mount every raid tier which is farmable all expansion with 100% drop chance (not just the 1 raid tier and drops to 0.1/1.0% in the next expansion or something along those lines) and a meta achievement for mythic and heroic. They also get M+ seasonal titles one for being top 0.1% and 1 for hitting x-score which is permanent and just for participating in the season (alot of cool titles might I add), a mount which is only available during the patch and a title which is only available during the patch.

PVP get rbg titles and mog which are permanent, like raid mounts and mog. A seasonal recolour which is only avaliable for hitting the goal during current season, a mount, tabard & enchant & R1 title for hitting the top percentile again.

Of which most folk only usually want the mog, but again its such a small ask arguably comparable to the 2k rio mount that if you cant do it, do you truly deserve it.

Also I get it, some people weren’t even subbed/playing/old enough to realistically try when it was current season. I’m in that boat too, but still it is what it is and I’d personally prefer it this way in the sense of once its unobtainable, its unobtainable. I don’t see any value to mythic recolours either personally bcuz people seem to forget most people have gear you can convert by end of season into tier set anyway :dracthyr_shrug:

I can’t really comment on it, im not really super interested in revisiting old content :S but i appreciate the gesture from blizzard but nah was mostly emphasis cause some people find pvp an awful slog and refuse to learn or even attempt it properly without some form of carry.

straight up no to this, its like giving everyone the MoP challenge mode sets for free if you time a +5 hahah

Insead of welcoming new people to this game, allowing them to aquire anything in this game, almost all of you here are selfish and entitled, only you deserve a specific item because you were there during a specific period?

That is the mindset and the poison that is killing this game.
Make it a challenge, don’t make it fomo

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Why not implement new rewards instead of bringing old ones back?

Why do they not play now and get the current sets?

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I never understand what its this thing into pve players omg my pve game is like this pvp should be same like what ?its hard to understand pvp its just different? And was even better before until u people ruin it with this kind of feedback

Yes that its the mentality these days from pve players oh i cant obtain that set i need to go and complain…

Yes why dont make all gear free and delete raids and free boost to max level why we are rude and put new players to level how we dare….

laughs in AOTC mount in trading post

If I am up to date the WoW saviour is a 1v1 bracket, removal of healers and free past seasons mogs? It’s funny to see people malding over rewards because they know everything in the game is just giga welfare thanks to shuffle and bgb. Soloq hype.

If they would implement being able to get old elite sets I would instantly quit this game.

The fact that I subbed every season to get the current elite set for years and years and it would be made redundant - it would make me feel it was for nothing.

The elite sets now are basically free since it’s 1800 since a long time and shuffle exists - if you want to get something that’s unique today go for the 2400 rewards or elite banners or something.


I dont see why people should be entitled to retired content they were not here for, you’re entitled to your opinion.

However every mmo retires content be it seasonal or not 99 percent of the time its not meant to come back especially if its tied to an achievement

Fyi youre just as entitled for making such a demand to begin with


?? In the 2 years the TP has existed, not a single AotC or Glory mount has ever been up for sale… so what exactly are you trying to say here? :face_with_monocle:

If you read your own post you’ll see the irony in calling us selfish and entitled.

You are demanding that new players should be able to get rewards that people fought for many many years ago - which would mean that those players that spent the time grinding, paid for game time and fought for did it for nothing.

Now THAT’S selfish and entitled, no?


And the fact that you had that item for “many many years” is not enough?

How long do you need to brag about being old and having a sub 10 - 15 years ago until you can stop living in the past?

A new player joining the game, seeing someone awesome at pvp and liking the mog that player is rocking, excited about getting that, learning a new game, and when he asks where can i get that? and be awesome?
You can’t because you did not play 5 years ago?
The response from that will be: Kk, ty, hf playing by yourself.

Also, after alienating every possible new player with your entitlement, go pls complain on the forums for the stupidly long PVP queues, PLEASE.

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I would very much like to have cataclysmic gladiator paladin elite set (love the look of it to death) - but I wasn’t good enough at PvP back then. If I would get it now it wouldn’t feel fair nor right.

The current season’s elite set, elite banners etc are the ones that will eventually become uniquely owned by the new players - just as it was 10+ years ago.

Why take away the ”magic” of this?

When you have gotten rewards that you fought for it becomes special. If you can get everything it won’t be special anymore.