New System to Buy Elite PvP Sets from Previous Expansions

Because that is now how the game works…like i said 0.3% of players earned GM/HW gear…now its just common. Hand of Ragnaros? Ashbringer I got both of those without trying. You any idea how tough it was to get them when they were new? You don’t get things to be “elite” forever.

Most of the players in the game these days didn’t even earn an epic mount. Which back in the day took a fair bit of work. So why should they get something they didn’t earn? because its old and no longer a big deal…same as your old armour.

Sure, but games need to evolve, back then ppl did not make 30 alts to farm a legendary weapon just because your class is TUNED around that weapon, the players have changed, if you see 10 ppl with a great unique weapon, the feeling you feel is not WOW… he must be so good, instead its a bad feeling that you don’t have it or won’t have it but the X dude was carried in a single kill and he got it.

Again, please, take 2 minutes and think of how selfish and entitled you need to be to prefer the game dying to letting people earn the old rewards.

And once again, i have to reiterate, i’m not saying give them away for free, I really don’t care (and its not my job) to come up with new and unique ways of challenging players for unique and awesome rewards.

If you have not opened your friend list for a while - if you have any friends left - just do it and count the people that are still playing the game from the old days.

2-3 expansions is enough for FOMO, encourage blizzard to keep and make new awesome stuff instead of you using the old ones for “prestige”

The AotC orgrimmar wolf has been datamined to come to TP eventually ^^

AH, ok, I remember that discussion. It´s been almost a year though, and still no sign of it …

In general datamining and the resulting speculation are to be believed only when it actually happens, there are so many things that have been datamined and speculated about over the years that never went live… among other things Frostmourne + Ashbringer all the way back in vanilla, Peep’s Whistle in TBC(a WiP version of Ashes of A’lar), or more recently (IIRC at more or less the same time as teh War Wolf) tender being purchasable in increments of 50 in the store… none of which ever actually happened :beers:

People only looking through their own set of glasses and refusing to accept the outcome of the reality that new players wont get to have their cake and eat it, new players already have pvp rewards so SO easy with 1.8 being a low bar but also wanting seasonal stuff from expansions and seasons which are retired :supervillain: you wont ever get to play the current patch it was avaliable in, you shouldnt get a chance at grabbing it.


What if they would turn off all loot rewards from previous expansions starting from tomorrow?

Would that make the game better?

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Then make the sets available to buy on the rating needed back in the day? But for a saddle and 120 honor tokens.

Especially from the first 6 season. I don’t know the real number but i think not much players are left from these days.


We used to play games for… Fun…

I have multiple Elite Sets and Mounts from previous seasons and would not care a single bit if people are able to get them nowadays for Transmog. Latest after an XPac ends, the elite sets (u can discuss if tabards/illusions also count) should be obtainable in any form.

“Oh, but I have BC S3 Warrior Elite Set, due to comps it was difficult back then to…” Nobody cares. Nobody looks at your transmogs and thinks “Oh, damn BC S3, that was hard because Warriors wasn’t meta, he must be good!!”. Nobody, NOBODY thinks like that. The only thing our elitist and gatekeeper PvP Community thinks and says is “Boosted…”.

Edit: Of course you should not get that stuff for free. Some kind of work should be put into it. The suggestion of get 1800 with that class in the actual season is reasonable IMHO. (And even that is a joke, just queue Solo/Blitz and get your free 2400 rating :wink: Current Rated PvP became such a joke due to us being gatekeepers - this whole game should be more casual-friendly )


Game was vastly different back then, so it wouldn’t be fair.


Same goes for PVE, not just mythic, there are a lot of ppl out there incapable of doing normal, why would they be gifted all of the PVE sets from 2 expansions ago just by walking into the raid?

There is a disconnect here and a mismatch, all of the people against making old content available want to feel special because they were there, boosts existed in the past in more or less the same manner they exist today, just because you weren’t aware of them, don’t assume these were non-existent.

So again, if someone payed 50k gold for an ahead of the curve is that person entitled to have that unique mount forever?
Same for a PVP.

We want more people to start playing or come back to playing the game and cool rewards from the past are the best way to make that happen. (just look at the updated T20 sets and how many ppl that brought back.

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If were taking this out of proportion like you are then yes i want them to and hope it gets rid of the people who are beyond entitled annd expect prestige items to be made widely avaliable then yes they should.

But the game is fine as it is and no changes are required in reality, there are alternative recolours of every set in game so :dracthyr_shrug:

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i also do not understand why ppl are so special snowflake like fo things like this.

If it is still a challange, why bother? FOMO content allways has a bad taste and feeling for a Game. i wouldn’t mind any of my old elite sets to be available again. You had them for a long time, why you have to hide content from new players… WoW is in dire need of new ppl.

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People are complaining about getting them at 1800. I think those sets where special during their season. But now people want them for transmog. So call them replica, then the old players still have the uniqueness.


Btw not bad idea for compromise.
Call it replica, chinasium, fake or smth :d

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almost? ngl cata is the worse version of retail, have never played a worse expansion than cata, especially the last season of Cata

both a bad, but cata is worse by miles

no its not but good try with your agenda, close to every game have this, league of legends have this too with specific skins, what now?

close to every game have it, many games also have a fomo dlc, where u get fomo rewards for a short period of time

even in Fortnite u have stuff like this Lmao

current players are just upset with the fact, that the old pvp sets looked by mileeeeees better than the current elite sets

how about to make good pvp sets/ pvp ilussions instead of garbage?

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I don’t think uniqueness is still a thing for new players.
And in PvE the Mythic sets are also available after some time for everyone. The only set till now from PvE that is not obtainable is the m+ set from MoP and the weapons from WoD.

So to be fair to PvE players, old pvp sets should also be available.

I wouldn’t care if o had one of those sets, because the achievement is more worth then some pixel.

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just because many have it doesn’t mean it has to be good design an healthy for the game/player.

Most games with micro transactions have a 2nd ressource you buy with real money for their shop to hide the real value what they would spend to purchase stuff. This is acting in bad faith.

Just because some systems are common, it isn’t justifying the system to be consumerfriendly.

At the end it’s a decicion by the company and its players in terms of fomo content, but that’s why i also don’t play any other games with fomo content.

my personal opinion is, that fomo content is bad for the games attraction for new players. And WoW is lacking in new players compared to any other game.

That’s why i also would like to have the wow sub to be put into GamePass :person_shrugging:

MMOs live of their active and consistant playerbase.

What health of the game are you talking about. Whole point of fomo is to incentivize you to login in time and get that X thing. How new player suffers from it. Not being able to get old elite sets is the least issue that pvp has from new player standpoint.


That’s treu it is to much to track. They should reduce the amount of damage modifiers. I don’t care if it is a cd or a random buff.

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never said it is the biggest issue, but its the topic we are discussing here and it’s still an aspect that matters in some way.

Specially when the current rewards suck and you still can like get 1 token per season when you get duelist or elite which enables you to get an older elite set. So you still would’ve a reason to play.

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