I would like to start to roleplay, but i dont know where to begin, how to start… I have some ideas but i dont dare to speak or interact with any other player. How to engage a RP with others if i didnt ever tried it ? Is much more daring than i thought ! Theres so many guides, but isnt there a way to start without knowing all ?
There are add-ons that will make you easier visible for roleplay such as TotalRP3.
That add-on gives your character a profile that you can customize and that is displayed to everyone else who roleplays.
Musician is also a popular add-on which isnt required but that many people use to play music in the game and that others can hear.
Listener is also a good add-on, being one of the essential ones as it helps you keeping track of your conversation within more dense spaces.
Those would be the few add-ons I would recommend for the start.
And for characters:
Play something simple, thats always recommended for any newcomer. Having a rather simple concept to roleplay as generally makes it easier to get a good entry into the roleplaying scene and to develop a sense of the community and of the world itself.
And look some basic stuff up about your race/class that you play, especially since some class/race-combos have their own uniqueness. A night elven (Kaldorei) priest wouldnt be the same like a human priest for example. In the game both are the same, but within the setting they are like day and night. The Warcraft Wiki thankfully provides alot of informations about the lore and the world which can help you along the way.
And of course, most importantly: Have fun!
Taking the first steps into roleplay will always feel awkward and strange. Dont be afraid of doing something wrong in the first days or even weeks. People will generally be understanding, especially when you put into your trp profile that you are a fresh starter. There are also sometimes people around who will also offer to help you ingame.
I think this is an OK place to start (you can also look up other RP guides for newcomers online, generally the same basic principles apply no matter the game and there’s a few groundrules and linguo that you should be aware at first).
You’ve done a good chunk of the work already, namely that you have ideas. Don’t be shy to express them here or some discord you’re part of (doesn’t hurt to join one either since those are the main tools people use to find roleplay and/or rp connections these days. there are either more ‘general’ ones for the server as a whole or each faction or more niche/community ones such as discords for x race) to get feedback. You won’t get everything right the first time and that’s ok, it’s important to learn from the mistakes that you make. We’ve all been where you are.
Take the ideas you have and apply them to the race and class you chose for yourself (though do note that even if you do play a priest, your character doesn’t actually have to be one, they can just be a commoner and never use any priest abilities or in time they can grow to become one). I would say it’s going to be a bit more tricky to play one of the ‘ancient’ races such as night elves but it’s not outright impossible. Spend some time to read about their culture, history, what happened to them in game recently if you don’t remember from your questing etc.
Argent Archives (look it up online, I can’t post links to the website) is also a good place to look at characters, stories and incoming events so you can both get an idea of how people work on their roleplay and also find initiatives where you could take your character.
In addition to what the others have already said, if you’re looking specifically for night elf roleplay, the hubs at the moment are Astranaar (Ashenvale) and Bel’ameth (Amirdrassil). They might not have walk-in RP on all days, however.
This thread might help you get started, as it contains information on night elf lore, Discord communities, guilds, and events:
In particular, if your character is a priestess in-character, and you haven’t simply selected the priest class for gameplay reasons, then you might be interested in the upcoming Crescent Conclave, a gathering of the Sisterhood of Elune that is due on the 16th of March:
I, for one, started by watching and then eventually engaging. I didn’t have the luxury of a roleplay server, I was on a server where there was ONE social RP event a week. I went there, listened, and realised what the people were doing there was REALLY cool, and I eventually joined in.
I would recommend the TRP3 ( Total Roleplay 3 ) addon, which most Roleplayers have. It allows you to set up a RP profile for your character where you can write their description, current state, stuff like that. The main reason to get it, though, is that it also allows you to read the profiles of others, and you can understand how to build a profile and draw inspiration from the way others write.
Jumping straight into a guild or group RP might seem a little daunting, so if you want to take it easy, try to go to one of Argent Dawn’s many social RP events ( tavern nights, trade nights, they’re usually advertised on the realm’s forum ) and if you’re not comfortable joining yet, you can just watch until you form an idea of what character you want to roleplay.
As for learning more about the Warcraft universe, I think most of us use Warcraft Wiki or WoWPedia, where you can find pages for Warcraft’s races, classes and various events that might be relevant for the character you play.
There are some discords you should join as well that would be very helpful. Helps you know and find where rp is happening.
This is Argent dawn EU roleplay discord server
https://discord.gg/efHBGB9S Pretty much the main discord server for rp events and happenings… There are others of course. But this is a good place to start.
Roleplaying is acting! Your character is the costume you wear. So think, how would this character act and react to a situation? That is the core of all roleplay. Remove yourself from your character and become that long eared elf or that annoying puntable midget, whichever is your posion!