New to rp lf guild (horde)

I played wow since the release of TBC. I always wanted to try a rp server. And since short i took the big step and transfered my character to argent dawn.
Im new to rp, but i have some experience with DnD roleplaying.
I have stil a lot to learn tho. I am looking for a horde guild that can take me under its rp wings as a new roleplayer.
Im playing as a maghar orc shadowpriest that i am trying to give a nerzhul/shadowmoon clan like story.
Im not realy a raider or a mythic+ grinder. Im a casual player that does some casual pvp and random stuff. I enjoy the little things in wow.
If anyone got any tips for me or can advise me to a guild it would be much appriciated
Thanks in advance


Go and seek out the guild “Rotgarde” They are from the PCU with certain rules, they are great and they will defiantly help you out. From events, I saw them and heard of them and speaking from someone of another faction I gotta say I love their work.

I gave you two links, one of the PCU and the other of the guild I spoke of. Read it and lets hope you agree and enjoy it should you join.

Rotgarde (Queensguard)


The Hand Of Agony is here as well, for of course, Forsaken RP!
The Frozen Paw Clan also, could be helpful for your Mag’har.


The Hand of Conquest is a patriotic military guild focused on Kalimdor races, we’re very welcoming to new roleplayers and have an active roster that’s very willing to help you sharpen your RP skills!

Give [PCU] Grunt RP - Hand of Conquest đź’Ş a peek!


Mag’har Shadowpriest with a grim Ner’zhul feel? :thinking:

Give a look!

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Would he be more inclined to be evil considering you want a Ner’zhul? If so, I would look for those kind of guild concepts that are welcoming to a more sinister nature.

Hello there and welcome to Argent Dawn! First of all i hope you’ll have a good time here.

I second all of the guilds that has been mentioned above. But for your concept, which is a dark one (and i like it!), I have three guilds in mind. :slight_smile:

Wheel of Entropy , a cult alike guild with some shadowy attitude. A brotherhood of such individuals. Had really fun interactions with them personally.

The great gang guildGrim Gest, a military guild led by Big Baron Blightreek. They mostly have GRIM pasts amongst them, and plenty of devotees to the void. :skull:

And the Darkeye clan. I don’t know that much about them, truth to be hold, but the name and the GM also seem to be into shadowy stuff, very likely to be appropriate for a Shadowmoon Shadowcaster… Tribal and Dark. :slight_smile:

I am deeply sorry if i missed any fitting guild for this Concept! And i hope you find the best choice for yourself, and have fun RPing!


Yeah big plus for Grim gest for the more grim-dark evil characters. Very active and excellent GM.

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Thank you all for the reply, now i have a lot think about and some research to do :slight_smile:

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