New to Wow, Need some adivce/confidence for m+

Sorry to hear about your accident.

If the above is the case then I wouldn’t recommend M+ unless you can find a regular group of friends who don’t care about you making mistakes and slowing the group down.

You’ll probably get away with pugging 2-10’keys where nobody really cares about tactics anyway. So mistakes wouldn’t matter so much.

Just like in real life, you have needed to get used to your new limitations.

M+ at high levels is fundamentally incompatible with slow reaction time. In fact, all high-end WoW content is.

The only way out of this is to simply stop playing it. RP, play low-end content, level, or play Era! Era is much slower in PvE, so that could be the ticket.

Or persevere. Perhaps the damage is temporary. Perhaps learning in low keys can retrain you - I have no idea. I’m very sorry to hear it, and I’m also sorry about WoW’s incredibly fast pacing and high difficulty these days, to the point where it’s a signiicant topic of discussion and frustration even for perfectly healthy people. It has been transformed into a game that just isn’t for you, though it used to be.

I should also point out that a very large amount of games are designed explicitly around slow reaction speeds - even RTS which can be notoriously fast. I think I might recommend you Homeworld - or all the D&D RPG’s.

Do not play it, if you value your mental health. Like seriously, it is just not worth your time, you will get no fun out of it

I would suggest trying with a community first to get into the swing of it if your guild isn’t active in M plus.

Scared of Dungeons and Dungeon Dojo are two communities that are non toxic environments.


I can only share with you my own experience with M+ that started in late BFA i began playing Endgame in the Visions of N’zoth patch as a Rogue.

Yes you will get flamed… yes you will bring your group down. I am sorry to say this, But there is a learning curve to your class and what it can and cannot do. And when you start out, Everybody! And I mean everybody knows what your class can and cannot do. And you don’t. And it is considered rude if you don’t

However! Knowing what your getting into is a great help, When I started out same as you. I knew the community I was getting into, I had read the forum posts. And seen the trade chats… And I knew exactly what kind of toxicity was awaiting me as a noob getting into m+

But eventually as you get better. You learn along the way what flame you deserve, And witch you don’t. You can eventually tell when someones using you as a scapecoat for a key failure and when you actually did make a mess up.

My advice is… Bring your flame coat. You will need it. But if you know what to expect. Know that eventually you will be fine.

Also… Everybody starting m+ today propably feels anxiety around the first step. But know that it is your first steps. Screw everyone else for giving you :poop: For your first steps. Flaming you for things you didn’t know you didn’t even know yet.

And despite what allot of them says. None of them started out learning every kick and every mechanic and learning every guide before stepping into m+ for every dungeon.

It’s okey to learn by doing.

Starting out your first dips into M+ may be better with a community or with a guild. Pugs tend to be way less forgiving for mistakes, so I only recommend starting out there if you are really desperate.

Others have already linked in a few communities, which I would add Failtrain too, though I have been out of touch eith the community since BFA, so I am not sure if the community changed much since then.

I havrn’t been playing my hunter since BFA,but I remember that I used to use a mantaray pet for bloodlust (and for dispel/soothe as back then pets had dispels instead of the hunter). Tenacity pets may worth it better in the long run due to the max hp increase and extra defensive, as hunters are extremely fragile in PvE right now.

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Then you looked into wrong places there is good communities on horde and alliance for starter people in keys . Like SoD on allaince

(Alliance) Scared of Dungeons EU EN - Recruitment / Communities Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (

I really wish people would stop generalizing the m+ and wow playerbase.

The Fail Train EU - Recruitment / Communities Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (

At OP there are nice people out there and people that will help you and guide you.


You assume I even looked :sweat_smile: No I had no time for that. I had friends to compete with. And things to prove!

But getting friends and safe people to play with definitely makes the experience allot less toxic for sure.

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I cannot recommend this community highly enough. Great bunch of people, joined them in BFA. If i hadn’t done so, i would either still be playing open world content or i would have quit the game totally.


And despite the Alliance tag, it’s cross faction.


Another recommendation for SoD being good for the OP. I haven’t tried DDojo, maybe I should, they seem to have similar goals :smile_cat:


This hits home for me. I don’t have any brain injury but I am slow with learning and have other issues.

I’ve been told there are M+ communities that help people who are a bit slow but personally I never checked them out as I don’t M+.

I hope you find the help you need and welcome to wow :tada:

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You are amazing, I joined those servers and everyone is super amazingly nice, thank you!

I ran a few with a friend and we kept timing my keys, ended up pushing it to +13 where the difficulty just got too much for my current gearing x-x


What I experienced the most is: communication is key.
Be open about your issues when you join a group/search for members. Most people will respect that and be chill or play around you so you can be comfortable. There will always be jerks, we are all humans after all.
So far I had very relaxed groups when I had my group labeled as “chill”, “first timer” or stuff like that.
Just stopped using that label at higher keys because people thought “chill” means “free carry” or “I want my key depleted”, which is pretty sad.

And know your limit. I see most toxicity towards people who overestimate their abilities and then ruin a key because they are clueless. Like someone else said: play low keys until you feel safe and like you know how to deal with stressful situations before you pass the next threshold.
As a healer you need to reflect a lot because in low keys you can be carried a lot and then don’t know what to do in higher keys. It helps a lot to play with players of your gear or the appropriate keystone gear to see the actual damage intake and mechanics.
People who don’t do that end up in keys above 10 and have no clue about anything. Wiping to basics and then being flamed.

I’m so pleased!!! That’s great news!!

do +2 +3 and see how you fare

Run low keys and upgrade, I’m in the same boat, casual and guildless so run in PUGS, have been playing that way since I started playing again and the end of BFA.
I’ve ran plus fives on all available M plus dungeons so far, although I’m not finished yet in upgrading I could make it to 400 ilvl running M pluses this way, 400 ilvl is a respectable level for me as a solo casual player.

Don’t worry, you can play with friendly people like me. There are enough chill people out there and only a few bad rotten apples (that sadly are a loud minority) ingame.

Most that are toxic will just leave the key run. But few will actually be insulting verbally to you.

If you want to do some keys, just write me a mail ingame or whisper me. We are on the same realm.

this is true, but only on 20+ keys. up til 10+key you shouldnt have any problems, even 15 arent that hardbut higher it might need you to get
a lot better gear and some practice to not fail key

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