The Fail Train EU

Greetings, honored adventurers!

Some of you may have heard of a community called „The Fail Train“ before. But for those who haven’t, I will explain briefly who we are:

The Fail Train is a Discord community where people can clear content in a friendly and relaxed environment. The Fail Train is for players who are tired of running through group content at a ridiculous pace. Players who might feel a little anxious about queuing for content with strangers. Players who are sick of being kicked for silly reasons. Players who may want to try a out a new class but are put off from doing so. Players who are new to the game and are in need of some guidance to learn how the game and its mechanics work.
Learn with us, wipe with us, laugh with us, enjoy the game with us. :slight_smile:
We have dedicated channels for all types of content, be it Mythic+ in lower or higher keystone levels, raids in all difficulties, as well as PvP. If you want to organize something and need players for it, like playing your keystone or getting something done that is easier in a group, you might find like-minded people here. Even if you just want to have a nice chat and share some funny or weird stories from your daily adventures, you can share them with us in our Barrens-chat and have a good time talking about all kinds of stuff.

Besides all this, the Fail Train has its own internal Alliance raid-group, organized by Devastatia and me, Neea. Our philosophy is very much the same as described above. We are neither a progression group, nor would it be correct to consider us casual. With the beginning of a new tier, we start with the Normal difficulty and work our way through Heroic afterwards. Once Mythic is unlocked for cross-realm groups we also try to get as far as we can before the next patch. The ‘drought’ has made it hard to get a full group now that we have started progressing on the Mythic bosses, so we’re hoping to find some additional players to fill our ranks. Please be aware of the fact that we don’t have a ‘set’ group. While we do have a lot of regulars who raid with us every week, we work with open sign-ups for everyone who would like to join and form a suiting group from the sign-ups that we have. That can mean of course, that we don’t have enough room for everyone, depending on how many people are joining us after this. I want to make it very clear that this is just the way that Devastatia and I are handling our raids, not the general way raids are handled in our community.
We are raiding on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 20:00 – 23:00 ST respectively.
Since we are an international group with players from all over Europe, we use English as our common language.

Unfortunately we don’t have an active Horde raid as of now. If you feel like organizing your own raids on Horde side, the Fail Train could offer you a nice platform for that.

To sum up what we’re currently looking for:

Alliance: mainly DPS (class/specialization doesn’t matter) for our Mythic raids (3/10)
Horde: a raid-leader who likes to organize frequent raids for the Horde

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us. You can just join the community using this link and talk to us, or send a friend request on Discord to: Ava#7395 if you have a specific question before joining.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Your Fail Train EU team :train: