New Vulpera Racial


I mean, YES

Every time I play merc and I cast one of those broken OP fire breath with full burst and a flat 60% increase damage + all of my mastery + all of my versa + all of my allies buffs and instantly obliterate whoever is in front of me, knowing that there is a small little fluffball amongst them, I sometimes feel a sense of guilt. :skull:

lucky you that don’t have a bad memory of these fox folks!

Horrific Flashbacks

Just because a few Vulpera engineers tired to dissasemble a some deactivated Mechagnome “corpses” for scrap metal and usefull parts and yelled “Utinni!!!” ?

New vulpera passive racial :
When you log in as vulpera your PC explodes

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If this racial gets added it should be called “UwU”

But in reality I’m joking haha.

nope. not for that

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