New Worgen and Goblin Models

So it seems that the new Worgen and Goblin models were put up on the Wowhead dressing room here:

My initial thoughts:

I absolutely love the new female Worgen model. It is a huge improvement over the old one, while not feeling too radically different. They seem less like Chihuahuas and more like wolves this time!

At first I was taken aback by the male Worgen. At a distance they were unrecognizable apart from their hunched shape, but when I took a closer look and zoomed in, I warmed up to it pretty fast and found some neat improvements. They seem scruffier this time, and their faces are much more expressive. Some handsome doggos for sure!

I donā€™t have an opinion on the Goblins. They just seem to be overall polygon, animation, and texture res improvements to the old model, which is always welcome, even on smaller scale models like theirs.

What do you guys think of them so far?


I like the new female worgen model, canā€™t really see a difference with the goblins though tbh.

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Yeah, I imagine its a little harder to really ā€œupgradeā€ the Goblin model considering theyā€™re smaller scale and still somewhat recent. The main thing that pops out with them for me is their new facial animations.

I love male Worgen. It looks amazing, love the eyes. As for females, well, canā€™t realy say much becasue I donā€™t play females. So I canā€™t notice a lot of difference.

Goblin models, well, they didnā€™t need that much changes in the first place. Just seperate toes and facial animations. And they did get it.

Canā€™t wait to see them in game with facial deformations for each face option. Wowhead model viewer for some reason doesnā€™t have that feature. Even though itā€™s very easy to implement.

Agree with you totally here.

Been browsing the animations for the last 20 minutes too. Theyā€™re all much better, and the two that I am relieved about is the new running and casting animations.

I love my male Worgen, but the running animation always bothered me because it seemed silly and the mane clips into the model. They dramatically improved it in this version, and the mane no longer clips but feels as if it is actually part of the model.

Also just noticed the new eye (and face) options. Neat! Though, Iā€™ll probably stick with the glowy yellow one I have now :slight_smile:

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Thousand yard stare. At least the old model faked a blink.
One upside however, you have a glow choice for the eyes. With males having both amber and blue non-glow eyes.

have you noticed thereā€™s a couple of extra faces too? For males at least thereā€™s some with claw marks/scars


I love the new models too, but the Worgen females really stand out as by far the best improvement. The expressiveness has given rise to the ability to get rid of the permanent snarl, and in comes an expressive face, which can still be angry and snarling in combat, as it should be. The dead looking eyes are gone, too.

It is a shame, then, that Worgen are so much weaker than Night Elves for Feral PvP and M+. It is almost impossible for me to justify gimping my character, so I guess Iā€™ll just have to cope with what I have.

I do hope they buff the Worgen racials. Give them something cool.


Love them and about time .

The faces seem a bit off for the male goblins, but maybe theyā€™ll grow on me.

the worgen females still look crap, the male slightly improved. the goblins are a mess. well done blizzardā€¦seriously. ah well the furries rejoice, now weā€™re done with these weird hairball furries. Next !

about those Nightborneā€¦


What would you do different then ? Because saying ā€œcrapā€ isnā€™t constructive or helpful at all .

Iā€™m going to be critical now.

What I do Like -
The run, they have finally fixed the run.

The females actually look like wolves now.

The casting no longer looks goofy, it looks like youā€™re actually trying hard to summon up magic.
All the animations in general look quite nice.

New facial options for the scars are a nice new touch.

Iā€™m Not Sure If I like Or Not -
Deathstrike has a twirly new animation to it. Iā€™m not sure how I feel about it.

What I donā€™t Like -
Sabatons/foot armour. It curves a lot more than the old stuff did, not looking at chunky (especially for plate), it just looks off.

Some pieces of armour work, but others really look quite off compared with how they looked before.

No new skin colours, even for DKs.

No perma-snarl option in faces. I liked my perma-snarl.

No new hairstyle, just the same braids.

I asked you a civil question to give feedback in an adult manner.

Dont bother, he is trolling on another HD worgen post. He will continue trolling here and on the next ones.


Adding to it however, it would be nice if they also gave monks to the Worgen and Goblins. Either give it to them at lv1 or just start them at lv20 in SW if they want to preserve the lore (Whatā€™s left of it).

Same for paladins alongside the Nelves, but thatā€™s probably asking a bit too much.

Especially considering that Worgen and Gobs are the only core races to not be able to be monks.
With the only other exception being LF Draenei who cannot be monks either.


Which does not give much sense, since in the recruitment scenario we see NPC just like a Monk being Lightforged + the whole fighting in Macā€™aree. They seem to be fitting for the class more than many of those who have access to it XD


Not to mention, the Magā€™har, you know, those guys who live on another alternative reality, they can be monks, but not those space Draenei.


Personally, I think Worgen-players should go onto the suggestion box in-game and suggest to blizz that:

  • Eye Colour should be separate from Face
  • Ears should be seperate from Facial Hair.

As Worgen suffer from looking very similar to each other - mainly due to lacking hairstyles. Having more variation would amend that issue.

Do you agree guys?
What are your thoughts on the matter?

Edit: I think we should suggest it now as now is the best and possibly only chance weā€™ll get to make any alterations if we want it as a whole.

Edit2: Also, quite new to the forums! I Just came here as I didnā€™t know where to rally more people. I really, really think we should try and get the point across to Blizzard before Worgen Models hit live and get ā€˜locked inā€™.


I think the neck on worgen females doesnā€™t look right.

100% agree, eye colours should be separate for every race, but I understand that it is quite needed for Worgen (both ears and eyes).

I will do it, but I have to go to sleep since I have to wake up in few hours XD

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