Play Bfa again. The Horde navy stopped existing after the battle at Zandalar.
No just your opinion. Not backed by any facts.
They honor the peace so far. If night elves attack that is on them and not the trolls. I was talking about the Tauren Windtotem tribe btw.
Alright you asked for it:
Grommash, Vol’jin, Cairne, Sylvanas, Nathanos, Garrosh, Zaela, Nazgrim, Doomhammer, Rastakhan, Bovan, Ranger Captain Areiel, Lyana, Rezan, Dranosh Saurfang, Varok Saurfang, Krenna.
I can expand this on the pre wow Horde and the AU Iron Horde too if you want. The list is only growing.
He has done no harm to the alliance ever since he liberated the camps. All aggression came from Warchiefs who are now dead(Garrosh) or exiled to superhell(Sylvanas).
She is the new poster girl for Golden right after Jaina and Anduin. She will do everything she can to make a good deal for her puppet masters in Stormwind.
Kul Tiras controls the sea currently. That means they can easily blockade any Horde ships leaving Kalimdor towards the eastern continent.
There is no yet. He was always the biggest supporter of the alliance inside the Horde. He literally called for the Horde to surrender after Rastakhan died and had to be dragged out by force from Garrosh to even participate in the attack on Theramore. Unlike Anduin who activley counted on Zandalari losing alot of stuff, Baine would have never done this to the blue team because he wants his own faction to fail the war.