New world tree cannot be placed in centaur zone

Play Bfa again. The Horde navy stopped existing after the battle at Zandalar.

No just your opinion. Not backed by any facts.

They honor the peace so far. If night elves attack that is on them and not the trolls. I was talking about the Tauren Windtotem tribe btw.

Alright you asked for it:

Grommash, Vol’jin, Cairne, Sylvanas, Nathanos, Garrosh, Zaela, Nazgrim, Doomhammer, Rastakhan, Bovan, Ranger Captain Areiel, Lyana, Rezan, Dranosh Saurfang, Varok Saurfang, Krenna.

I can expand this on the pre wow Horde and the AU Iron Horde too if you want. The list is only growing.

He has done no harm to the alliance ever since he liberated the camps. All aggression came from Warchiefs who are now dead(Garrosh) or exiled to superhell(Sylvanas).

She is the new poster girl for Golden right after Jaina and Anduin. She will do everything she can to make a good deal for her puppet masters in Stormwind.

Kul Tiras controls the sea currently. That means they can easily blockade any Horde ships leaving Kalimdor towards the eastern continent.

There is no yet. He was always the biggest supporter of the alliance inside the Horde. He literally called for the Horde to surrender after Rastakhan died and had to be dragged out by force from Garrosh to even participate in the attack on Theramore. Unlike Anduin who activley counted on Zandalari losing alot of stuff, Baine would have never done this to the blue team because he wants his own faction to fail the war.

Oh it did, as did the Alliance/Kul Tiran navy, but unless the Horde is too savage to rebuild they’ll end up with one of three largest navies again.

But it was more to show that the Alliance has more uncontrolled Horde lovers than the Horde has uncontrolled Alliance lovers.

Horde has three, Alliance has atleast 7, the Horde ones can be controlled by their respective councils (Desolate or Horde Council), the Alliance ones are sole rulers with absolute power.

Really, so the uncorrupted orcs of Draenor didn’t joyfully start to slaughter and genocide draenei because Garrosh said so? They didn’t joyfully invade Azeroth because of no reason?

Honestly, Warlords of Draenor was all the proven anyone ever needed for the innate bloodlust and savagery of the orcs.

I know you were, I was too, but you suddenly dragged in Bovan’s death and Centaur Horde membership (since when is friendly with a tribe membership in the Horde anyway?) while I was drawing the comparison between the supposedly neutral Shatterspear tribe in Cata and the now “neutral” Windtotem tribe in DF.

The Shatterspear were on neutral terms with the night elves too, untill they attacked them unprovoked in cataclysm after joining the Horde.

Why are you putting old Alliance of Lordaeron leaders on your demon Horde list?

You already did, Grommash and Doomhammer are pre-WoW Horde genociders.

They’re not Old Horde heroes, by that logic the Alliance should demand the return of Malorne, and pre-corruption Kil’jaeden and Archimonde because they were unfairly batted with death and/or corruption.

The night elves in Ashenvale (place of a massive lumber operation and two colonies) and the humans of Arathi (invaded by Forsaken) might back to differ.

Kul Tiran navy was destroyed by Sylvanas’ Gall Pall Azshara.

He might be, he still sucks at it and is more a liability than an asset.

If he truly opposed the Horde’s genocidal schemes he’d had led his “peace-loving” people out of the Horde already, yet he has not.

So what can we conclude from that? From a person that says he opposes genocide but actively aids those that commit genocide against Alliance races?

At best that makes him a easily controlled Horde hypocrite, at worst it makes him a genocide enjoyer.

Because those are part of the Horde as of WoW.

You are worried the new home will be harmed again. I have proof that that is not gonna happen any time soon since it is nowhere close to Horde lands anymore and protected by a strong neutral force who is fully against violent aggression.

Alright let smope the rest.

Gul’dan, Ner’zhul, Rend and Maim Blackhand, Warchief Blackhand, Fenris, Tagar, Hurkan, Kilrogg, Kael’thas, Elisande, Mogor the Ogre, Vorpil, Tharbek. Durotan, alle the AU warlords, Draka, Malkorok, Kurog Grimtotem, Teron Gorefiend, Dentarg, Zuluhed, Zul’jin, Broxigar, Kargath Bladefist. Cho’gall

We don’t attack night elves on sight unlike the other way around. We are just there for the wood, not to kill people. Try to act more fact based.

Stromgarde was ruled by a puppet for Sylvanas in the place of Galen Trollbane before he betrayed us. Be thankful that Blizzard is so alliance biased that they turned the city into a fully functional capital again.

They are. We killed the legends of the past a second time to give alliance players a good feeling about themselves.

They are part of the new Horde too which is why I chose them.

And they still are which we know from Exploring Azeroth Kalimdor. If the night elves break the peace again we are allowed to defend ourselves. Blood and soil strategy makes you look like the bad guy.

Alliance has none. Not even Anduin. He was willing to wipe the Zandalari from the map otherwise Telaamon and the dark iron dwarfs wouldn’t have been allowed to lead the attack.

And that status quo is that thanks to Jaina the Kul Tiran fleet is the last strong force on the oceans right now.

He was willing to die because he refused to participate in the war any longer. And almost all Horde leaders joined his cause when Saurfang gathered his rebel forces.

it is put there due to the greendragonflight, what pretty much allied them selfs whit the night elfs ages ago, plus all druids uses the emerald dream the greendragonflight protects, so in that order it makes sence nighelfs setttle close to them.

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