New WoW Forums = China's Idea?

What’s with the trust level system? it’s like communist China’s social score system. No more dislike, just flag, report and they get banned for the slightest thing, even if you call somebody an idiot.

I get that Activision and China are tight :handshake: but why make these WoW forums in their tyrannical vision? you’re originally a US company for crying out loud.


Tell that do Discourse.
As for moderation, their forums, their laws. :man_shrugging:

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We have almsot no toxicity outsite of classic player.

I don’t care if it’s China . N Germany or Swedish forum. It works and is awesome


It’s difficult for a company to allow everyone post whatever content on a board that has had a huge trolling culture for more than a decade now.

Especially since Blizzard is active in many countries in which you can be held liable for linked content and user generated content.

It makes perfect sense to not allow everyone everything. I’m not Trust Level 3 myself and it’s ok. No need to post images. Maintaining Level 2 should be easy though and that removes most of the bothering restrictions.

Once you bow once, you are expected to grovel ever after. :frowning:

Oh god.
Another HK, China and Activision bs thread.

I don’t care about your intentions, just stop bringing politics to video-games!
EDIT: Typo


Agree. In SWTOR - all they do is talk politics in general chat… did my head in.


There are people playing SWTOR?

Yes quite a lot actually. I had enough of it after all that chat got annoying.

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Its one of most popular MMOs even if not even close to WoW.

Jesi Oni @ Darth Malgus

As for chat… This game have most unique chat in universe. People troll about everything at Dromund Kaas. China subject is nothing next to our more kinky discussions :rofl:

Have faith in Empire and Empire will provide :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yea the Brexit chat was annoying the last time I visited SWTOR they just cant leave politics out of the game.


Brexit chat happens in AD too :sneezing_face:


It does but the only difference is that it happens more often in SWTOR.

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dislike/downvote was worse than that. when downvoting comments was a thing everyone with a different opinion basicly got muted because some people only wanted to hear people agreeing with them. I’m glad that is gone.

But they do seem very trigger happy with bans on the forums nowadays

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Haha yeah tell me about it some of us are on their radar more often.


Then they should stop breaking the rules/CoC :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Well obviously but some people shouldn’t just report for no reason if they don’t agree with someones opinions I have seen it happen a year ago.

Afaik a report does not trigger anything apart from hiding a post till a member of the staff handles it.

So yes, we can report as much as we want with our limited reports per hour/timeframe ^^ if someone reports nonsense all the time I do believe they take action as well.

Well yes you could but what I am saying people should not abuse the report system when you don’t agree with someones idea or opinion :wink:.

Correct. But again, even if they do it won’t trigger a silence unless it is justified.

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