New WoW Forums = China's Idea?

I do not know what i was flagged for in general, but I recall there has been only 2 posts of mine that have been asking very direct question from another poster. Ever since I just use ‘mute’.


Just pointing out the sub-forums exist.

Sometimes the mods will move things to the right forums.


What are you talking aout ?

It punishes lurkers with gutted basic features, I’d say.

Especially having to maintain Trust Level 3 by handling the forum in a stressful way, to be able to do something as basic in a forum as in-thread images.

Trust level is another of those “only one personality type allowed” features, and it’s really shortsighted.

I would be careful mentioning that subject on the forums. people have been banned for talking about it before

Talking about someone else maybe… but this is about me.

i wouldnt be so sure anymore these days :stuck_out_tongue:

Tbh the dislike button should still exist.

And we should be able to dislike or like the Blue posts as well. If they want feedback from the community, they should be able to see if what they say is appreciated or not.

nah the dislike button was way too open for abuse. people downvoting with several characters and with a handful of downvotes your comment would suddenly be hidden. I have seen too many reasonable arguments get burried like that because people just did not want to deal with someone with another opinion in that “discussion”

That’s your view. You are entitled to it. I dread to think what trolling could be done if everyone could just spam what they wanted from their first post.

Level 2 is very easy to reach and you can post things from trusted sites.

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I don’t like the idea of dislike button, but i think instead of “likes” we should have buttons for “agree” and “disagree” (labeled as so). Purely ment for show support or showing being against the idea, not in anyway connected to reporting or flagging or burying posts. Just neutral nice ways to show if you’re nay or yeay for it.

Even the “like” button is so vague. As far as i know it’s ment for showing that post is usefull, but being heart shaped and having “like this post” is sort of confusing. I use it in so many situations: on usefull posts, as support (for example if someone feels sad etc.), when post makes me spontaneously laugh or if it’s well made post about interesting subject i like to talk about (whether being usefull or not).


Again a by product problem of allowing everyone to post on all characters and not have a battletag system. Imagine if a multiboxer wanted to make a point. Let alone the individual with 50 characters per account.


This i can agree with.


It’s worth playing with 1-3 friends for the initial class story and first expansion.
Galactic starfighter is worth playing aswell. If you can survive waiting for the queue

You’re really reaching it with this one bud.

The thing is that level 3 is a terrible milestone for people who read only what piques their interest and doesn’t go devouring all of the posts, everywhere.

I HAD level 3, and then I felt like I could FINALLY rest from that anguish… but then I discovered that I had lost it because I hadn’t maintained that unhealthy forum usage. Back to the click everything at 25% zoom again!

I just want to be able to post MY DRAWINGS when I feel like it, inline in a post, not in a hideous select and paste in search bar pseudo-link that crushes the aesthetic of the post.

But no, I have to zoom around the forum mindlessly opening threads and making blue dots go away, without any indication of progress, to regain that ability so important to me that I lost for no real reason.

There are many more ways to “grant” all forum features that don’t give them all out from the start, away from enslaving people to the forum forever. This one is objectively bad.

Yeah if you’re not naturally that active it’s really not worth trying to be. I view it as a passive and I don’t do anything extra to maintain mine.

:point_up: This.
Its only exciting for first time, then you kinda lose interest especially now the forums have quietened down.

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