New WoW Forums = China's Idea?

Don’t be I deserved it because I was stressed out from home that day and frustrated so I took it out and I felt sick to my stomach after because I like you too :grin:.

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I can’t lie here… I should stay away from the forums a week before my period is due cause I am just like a woman possessed haha

The new forums moved to a system called discourse giving us some modern features lacking on the old forums. Such as notifcations, emoji, ability to put links/images in posts etc.

It comes with a trust system which is really just a passive system that rewards frequent visitors with a few minor perks (if you can call them that).

Most is explained in the pinned FAQ Pachimari wrote when we first moved over. Discourse also has a broader explanation of how the trust levels work and what options are open to those using their message forum system.

Trusted sites can be linked from level 2. Trust level 2 can be reached very quickly. People can still do links if they type in the url, highlight it and use the </> preformatted text button. Links appear like

The dislike option didn’t actually last very long on the previous forum system. It was only live for a very short period of time because people used it to show disagreement and Blizzard had intended it as a reporting feature. Blue post confirming that:-


To reiterate the information provided by Ornyx:

Yes the forums were recently changed to remove the downvoting function.

We originally added this feature as a means for players to assist with forum moderation by upvoting helpful posts and downvoting inappropriate or toxic posts. In practice, however, we found that it was primarily being used for things like downvoting a post simply because they disagreed with it, which was not the intent, and too often led to different opinions getting unfairly buried. Moving to an upvotes-only environment will remove this unintended abuse, while still allowing players to give recognition to posts that have a positive impact on the World of Warcraft community.

As a reminder, you can still report inappropriate or abusive posts to the moderation team by selecting the “Report Post” option located in the dropdown menu on the right of the offending post.

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Muting people for breaking the CoC:

Muting people for saying breastplate:

The system has its flaws I guess.


But you have to remember its a WoW forum and people come here to read about wow and not other games.
We used to have another section for it but got heated and removed .
People are passionate about wow and dont like people bringing up other games.

You can still discuss other games here

Yeah and it was about WoW - it would be cool to have that kind of event here… and they don’t have any issue borrowing ideas from other games.

General is where it’s at… I hardly go to the other areas.

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This completely :sneezing_face: I do read through lore sometimes :eyes:

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Im far to tired to row with you again today i just give up have it you way .
Sick and tired of you and others picking fault with me you know what stuff im done off the forums just not worth my time anymore.

We are adults so we forget this is 12+ forum thus that can happen at least this is what my logic is telling me so b word is bad but plate is ok.

What do you mean again?

And who is rowing?? :confused:

No, it was not me. But for example i dislike everything around Star wars - it just is not my cup of tea.

Now my style of dealing with “topics I cannot care less about” is to mute them. But I am not 100% certain if all people even know about ‘mute’ function and perhaps we do have out malicious people, who keep record. “This poster said something against my opinion, now lets find a post to flag” kind of level. There are such people and a lot. I had such fans following me form Classic, who reported almost every post I did on Retail general upon my return to forums this summer.

I am not sure if people are just bored, or their lives are just empty that they have nothing else to do (i.e. play the game :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: .


Mine was mass flagged - that’s why they contacted me :confused:

Still I came out as innocent for once :angel:

Goodbye and have fun.

You just found your answer :joy:.

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Reads the thread title

Oh boy, I hope it isn’t what I’m expecting

Reads the context

Hope dies…

What I am not picking up on anything… I think you’re barking up the wrong tree here…

On that occasion man was talking about an item heh, the mute got removed and all but that it even happened is the wild thing to me.

It’s always funny, if you’ve ever worked with, parented, or been around the average teenager, they will know every swearword, dark meme and put down out there.

I do understand that they want to maintain a certain standard on an official forum though.

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