What makes you think I have never played a DK before??..
Anit Magic Shell, Anti Magic Barrier and Anit Magic zone, Assimilation, Spell Warden… So I dont know what DK your playing…
Please finish the work on this half-baked ret rework
Issues with ret paladin (pve)
Want me to go on??.. I will say this then im done, DK aint the only class out there that needs reworking and help… I play my class through thick and thin… Use to play hunter in 2007 I had my Paladin since 2010 and I accept Ret has issues… But I enjoy what I play and use my class flaws and become a better player… I have seen DK perform realy well, in rated bgs they been first in damage done… I knew someone that had a DK and complained about they had too many abilities etc… Back in Shadowlands us Paladins had 38 abilities, tough to play… Either enjoy the DK, re-roll, or quit… Simple as… But dont start throwing insults at people who are trying to help, your doing your class and self no favours… Because the more I try and help, the more insults are thrown and the more I hate the spec…