New Year is coming, but same problems for DK (i will talk behalf blood dk) (top 10 BDK explaining everything what is wrong with BDK)
Dorki explaining why BDK needs rework
Its not gona happening bro
i dont know how we got ignored for a whole expansion but blizzard is bussy trying to rework class like druid or mage rework 2 3time in a row or sp and such but when its comes to DK we are just Ignored
The worst Talent design in all class not even tanks are for dk
you cant change anything and there is literaly no choice its just boring Force picks which alot of them are not working together and most of them are so useless
Yeah its just sad…
Blizz devs dont play dk and just dont care. I dont remember if there was blue feedback post in PTR (10.1 , 10.2 )
This one with hero talents first blue post in long long time.
I think if you dont play pala, mage or other blizz love child class its better cancel sub… Its just so sad…
all they do is boring Aura % buff
We cry for most boring talents and bad design
They buff our Dmg for some %
we say we need redesign or rework for all 3spec of dk since its too old design and not fun anymore compare to others
THey buff our dmg for another %
we Ask for Raid buff or group utility or something
They buff our dmg again
the way they dealt with dk In DF is just Ignoring back to back
i really love this spec and class and fantasy of it and i played it from WOTLK but at some point its getting so boring to sit all day everyday in valdrakken cuz people dont invite any specs of DK in keys
I even tried Unholy and Frost and those are worst than bdk Above 25+ keys you just have to sit there and look at yourself and i kinda understand people why they dont invite DKS
its cuz we bring nothing to the group and our dmg is not something insane or even close to meta class sadly
The whole design of Dk fails hard in any content like pvp or raid and they just dont care.
Be awesome if bonestorm was worth taking huh
I think all of DK need a bit of a rework, this class design is starting to show its age.
Let’s hope that we’ll get some sort of attention in the coming expansions.
happy new year folks you ready for another year of Blizztard ignoring us and never reworking Death Knight but will rework all other classes yet another time.
makr my words, on this day, on the eve of the year, Paladins will get another rework much thanks to Savix and the paladin mafia that also get signalboosted from mconnelRET memery from asmon’s zerg of people, every other class will get love, care, changes and fresh new stuff, while we will get absolutely asinine changes form out of touch devs. i consider all of you that still main this class to be the most repsectable individuals i can think of, we have nothing, we stand alone, we stand in deafening silence, the only thing real to our existance is the pain we feel for still wanting this class to get even a speck of the well thought out gameplay of rogue mage and druid etc etc.
I or should say we have no idea what you said there…
Angry doomerposting, being tired of having the same boring trashy design for 8+ years now, just look at how intricate frost mage mastery is compared to Frost Dk mastery.
it is laughable how little they care about DK.
Holy Paladin - Light Bringer causes the healing you do to be increased the closer they are to you. The actual increase depends on the amount of Mastery you have.
So every minute you get a burst window and each rune gives a 2%…
You got a ability that has a 60% chance to increase the damage of another abilitie by 300% aditional damage…
You got alot of stuff that buffs your damage…
you are arguing in bad faith, as i know you do not play DK. do come back after you play it for an expansion or a few patches. you want pillar of frost with its asinine 2% strenght scaling? sure, give me avenging wrath instead and ill enjoy seeing you trying to make the things you palas do with the extreme clunk that is the pillar of frost obliteration window.
the entire premise of howling blast ever since cataclysm, yes you heard me, cataclysm, is to be an extremely weak ranged ability that does -okay- damage once the oh so super powerful 300% proc happens, by trying to argue that the rime proc we get to boost howling blast is actual danger to people and actually does damage is ASININE at best.
It was nearly good when season 2 tier set made it do more damage but outside of that you often skip a rime proc 300% holwing blast damage in favor of doing another obliterate. But i wont lay it on a paladin that has MULTIPLE NEAR COMPLETE REWORKS NOW SINCE LEGION, you actually has someone with voice, gravitas, and ability to make good emotional videos that show why paladin struggled with things. DK is the same, but we have nothing, you felt bad for a patch or three, that bad feeling you had has been our life since the end of legion and start of BFA.
EVERY SINGLE CLASS IN THIS GAME has synergies and scaling going on under the hood, sub rogue, rogue in general. warlock, mages, mastery and even entire passives that could be their own mastery mechanics.
“increase shadow damage done”
“increase frost damage done”
“death strike gives you PHYSICAL absorb shield and attack power” (not even a magical absorb)
Compare that to other tanks masteries or for example frost mage mastery, do you even know how intricate and thoguht over they are?
THEY HAVE EVEN NERFED OUR COMPLETELY BLAND MASTERIES TO ONLY APPLY TO THE SHADOW AND FROST DAMAGE OF THE CLASS…as back in legion you could use trinkets that did shadow or frost damage to do hilarious things, that was illegal for DK to have.
i have only scraped the surface of what is wrong with DK, and that is EVERYTHING, so Shut up, sit down, and enjoy your paladin, as it has atleast a way to get it’s grievances heard via savix and the mcconnel mafia. OUR DK VOICE FLAVOR HAS ALSO BEEN BUGGED FOR HALF A YEAR NOW, AND BLIZZ DOES NOT CARE OR EVEN KNOW.
Which is an awesome fantasy, plays right into the idea of a front line battle healer. Generally works quite well too, I know there are limitations of course, like when boss mechanics make half your group be real far away etc… Paladin is way more fun than ever right now. All 3 specs are performing at a good level, and are generally fun to play. You’ve got unique utility and on top of that you were given CR.
Go play death knight for some time, see how it makes you feel. Compare frost to ret. Blood and prot.
DKs are old. The last major change we have had was when they simplified the rune system. Everything else has been them tinkering with auras, and adjusting a % here and a % there with minimal difference. We just want an overhaul man, just like paladin and rogue had. That’s it.
What makes you think I have never played a DK before??..
Anit Magic Shell, Anti Magic Barrier and Anit Magic zone, Assimilation, Spell Warden… So I dont know what DK your playing…
Please finish the work on this half-baked ret rework
Issues with ret paladin (pve)
Want me to go on??.. I will say this then im done, DK aint the only class out there that needs reworking and help… I play my class through thick and thin… Use to play hunter in 2007 I had my Paladin since 2010 and I accept Ret has issues… But I enjoy what I play and use my class flaws and become a better player… I have seen DK perform realy well, in rated bgs they been first in damage done… I knew someone that had a DK and complained about they had too many abilities etc… Back in Shadowlands us Paladins had 38 abilities, tough to play… Either enjoy the DK, re-roll, or quit… Simple as… But dont start throwing insults at people who are trying to help, your doing your class and self no favours… Because the more I try and help, the more insults are thrown and the more I hate the spec…
Ehm… hi, not sure why i was tagged into a DK post. Why are you linking Pala topics here?
Hey sorry -
Proving a point
Ah, read more about what was talked about, grass is always greener eh?
I have seen DK perform realy well, in rated bgs they been first in damage done
in which expansion, and you better not say random BG’s full of chaos
But dont start throwing insults at people who are trying to help, your doing your class and self no favours
you starting your reply to me in a passive aggressive tone trying to sell me the asinine point that the 300% rime proc and Pillar of frosts 2% strenght scaling (that used to be duration increase, instead of strenght scaling) is something we should be happy about?
Look here, i get that every class has issues, but the point here that is unassailable is that we have no eyes on us, nothing, if we underperform due to spreadsheet and damage meter inconscistenies… cold dead data that is… we get an aura buff, and our increasingly rustier mechanics stay rusty and clunky.
Anit Magic Shell, Anti Magic Barrier and Anit Magic zone, Assimilation, Spell Warden… So I dont know what DK your playing…
AMS I will give you is better in Dragonflight, it used to be worse, i have no clue what the “anti magic barrier” is that you speak of–…or now that i actually check the names do you mean the actual passive talents that we use to increase the effectiveness of AMS and AMZ?!, my friend in gaming and christ that’s hardly anything noteworthy, AMZ has been largely nerfed aswell from its earler incarnation in raids, and you do know what spell warden is right? its a rune enchant… that takes up the slot on your weapon…or offhand, slots that need to have fallen crusader and razorice if you are dual wielding.
i think you merely just looked at the talents and abilities and slapped them in text to help your case, while having no understanding about what they are, what they do, and what they actually are used in. the triple dot dot dot at the end to add further passive aggresive weight to the previous claims. Why are you in the DK forum to begin with? if you play paladin through thick and thin?
GRANTED, my beef is not with paladins, its merely the message that blizzard puts out, some classes gets MID PATCH Talent reworks, rogue, mage etc etc, maybe even paladin i dont know about that one, and they have the capacity to work hard for the classes they care about, it took them a while to get shadow priest reworked into a good state, and they will with you. but i am sorry i cannot have understanding for someone that currently has attention and through on them by devs and designers, telling me that has played this class since wrath to stay silent? NO…no no no.
Ill just tel you that they gave the illusion of a rework to rets atleast. We used to have only Holy dmg, well we still do but now we have 3 types of them instead of one.
What did this achieve you ask? Well now they can split talents into those 3 types so “increas holy dmg by X” no longer increases everything, thats it. So instead of having 7+ talents that effect consecration like we did at launch, we have 7+ talents split into holy dmg types.
This was not out of care for the class or spec, they didnt have time to fix the new talent tree system for all the classes with DF launch so they did 2 patchworks of a semi functioning spec, called one of them a “rework”, overshot a lot with dmg and selfhealing by a mile and nerft it all back to what it was pre rework.
We were very strong for a month and thats what ppl still remember about our rework.
i have no idea on the current state of paladins, only that they have changed atleast 2 times since legion, significantly. i know of anti synergy because it is quite prevalent in DK design now, we have a dead talent called frostscythe that is supposed to be the AoE choice to obliterate, it was introduced in legion, and it has barely been worth taking even then, now with the blizzard bright idea to have obliterate cleave targets if you stand in your death and decay it has made it a dead talent and choice, ontop of bringing a DK spell that does NOTHING for frost DK except having to do clunky ground target while you move about dodging everything and the fight is always moving, it also has no scaling with our stupid mastery since it’s shadow damage, and does a laughable 10k damage over ten seconds at fyrakk LFR ILVL (or it’s 5k i dont remember, its extremely low regardless, for unholy toon, and they have mastery to boost it)
then we have the thing that so many other classes malded about in shadowlands, abominations limb is a capstone talent in the unversal DK tree, and for frost it’s…weak at best, it does not do shadowfrost damage, only shadow, so it does not scale with our stupid mastery, unholy does of course, but funnily enough Blood has the biggest damage with it, which i find funny, we have no intricacy, no “bonus mastery/mechanics” baked in with passives like mage, rogue, warlock, or the others, we have extremely old strenght scaling mechanics in a clunky system that is especially annoying to play in some encounters and PvP.
The entire idea that our obliterate could do frost damage when we got our killing machine procs is something they introduced recently in shadowlands, and without it i dare say that DK would have been due for a full rework, because it did alleviate things slightly.
I feel like im raging and screaming and trying to explain how it is like to live in the desert to people that have never set a foot in it… or maybe seen the edges, thats the maddening part. people say that their class is always the worst, and it feels so baaaaad. warlocks have complained about demonology, let them reroll unholy and feel how it can be to truly play a pet class that will make you weep of the work you have to do while Bm hunters and the now finalized Demo rework presses two buttons while unholy has to press 12, for LESSER EFFECT. the only thing unholy has is insane scaling in Aoe situations. and being the go to PvP spec because you cannot take any damage that is from melees, and casters you can sort of bully for a short while.
it feels like standing outside in the cold rain, looking inside to a feast of people, seeing entitled kids whine about not getting the extra fat goose liver, and getting rewarded for it, even if it took a few minutes, and sometimes someone walks up to the window and knocks on it looking all annoyed being “we’re suffering, not you”