Newer player looking for a guild to learn in mainly pvp

As the title pretty much says i am a newer friendly player with a 120 on each side but am now wanting to try and get into the more social side of the game even as a rather shy person as well as make friends and learn both pvp and pve although i have a special interest in pvp as there seems to be so many cool rewards and neat transmog/mounts attached to it.
I do have a 120 boost from getting shadowlands so can join pretty much any server with a 120, I prefer healers and ranged to melee but would love to just make new friends and find people to enjoy the game with rather then mostly pugging and getting salt for being new and less experienced.

In other words thanks for reading sorry for the likely few grammar errors and the likes I am rather dyslexic/Dyspraix So would love to hear from any people interested my btag is LuluFoxKit#2843

Hey, added you on bnet. We have a nice friendly guild on Hellfire (called ‘who cares’) that might suit you. We’re doing a mixture of pvp and pve and are a pretty social bunch. We have a few players that are new or new-ish so we’re used to explaining things and helping each other out generally. :slight_smile: Feel free to add me for a chat if it sounds like somewhere you might like to hang out!
We have a post kicking around here: [A] <who cares> (Hellfire/Arathor)

We got a nice friendly guild who is all about social and helping eachother having fun, a bit like a family. Server Emerald Dream. Name of the guild is Legacy of the Fallen. If ur interested. Add me on battlenet Ragnor#21272