Next gen mmo will be in VR

Not once did i mention graphics as a concern.

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100%, it will be fine for a while since it’s all-new, but once the culture settles in then we have a problem. we hardly touch grass as online typers :dracthyr_tea:

It’s the argument pretty much brought up everywhere why people consider it a gimmic.
Controls on a Quest are actually really smooth and pretty well done, but it really depends on the game in question whether they support all gestures or not.

For Quest headsets in particular, all you need is a decent wifi router.
They use what’s called the Airlink these days and stream everything over your local network.
You don’t need to plug cables into your PC anymore with a quest, you simply install the Oculus App and connect it to Steam and stream over your network.

Wifi6 is recommended and gigabit cabling to get max bandwidth.
But I can stream VRChat from my PC with close to no latency.

‘‘Slowly reaches for the box’’ …Imma open it… Imma do it! I’ll do it! Aaaaa!! I wanna see what happens inside the box! xD

My gaming stastion pc doesn’t have Wifi built into it :face_holding_back_tears: So unless I can just connect trough my router and not directly to my pc with the headset I am little screwed.

My gaming pc is connected with a cable. Currently I am just using the quest 3 alone. But it limits me a little bit. Until I get a link cable long enough for my pc

Will work just fine, only requirement is that both the Quest and PC are in the same network.

My setup at home is something like this:

                      -----[LAN]---> PS5
                      -----[LAN]---> PS3
                      -----[LAN]---> PS2
                      -----[LAN]---> Wife's PC

I don’t like it because if I spend more than 5 mins with the headset I get dizzy and/or a migraine.


yeah ,no .not a big fan of burdening my head with a oversized equipment that is going to give me headaches and will get stuck in my long hairs.

I have long hair too! It doesn’t get stuck I promise!

The dizzyness and stuff is honestly not that bad… It varies from person to person how affected one gets. But you also do have some control over it as well. You control how your character moves and how much you can handle.

You can also, Ive been told by the young ones in vr chat. Apperently train away the motion sickness. And never feel motion sick again. If true that is really awesome :sweat_smile: But its not as bad as people say it is… And its worth the views and the immersion experience your getting. Its really next level

You can also watch 360 views videos on youtube witch are amazing sights. But I wouldn’t recommend the rollecoaster rides unless you want to train your motion sickness resistance.

TLDR: yes the motion sickness is a real thing… But its not that bad as you hear about. It varies from person to person. And you can get used to it. not feel it as much

I dont have a problem with the graphics, i play old games all the time on a potato PC. Its the controls that are clunky, then you have all the additional extras to make the controls more immersing. Theres also a extreme lack of games compared to alternatives, yes there are a few good ones but they arnt good enough for people to want to invest in a VR setup.

Look at borderlands 2, was and still is played by a lot of fans, they made a VR version and it flopped almost instantly because of controls and the fact that it made people feel sick.


i am not a young one .i am 38 years old .the amount of problems that most people get with such equipment is enough to not make it go mainstream .

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I’m with you on that one.
It’s unfortunate people get sick from VR.
I think I’ve had it happen to me in one or two games, and took quite some time to get used to it, but I managed. But yeah, it’s a major turn off sadly for people.

As for the lack of games…dunno.
There’s more and more games coming to VR, or adding mods that allow you to play it properly over VR with Steam.

There isn’t an amount of problems is there? I hope not<.< Ive certainly not had such… I do still get a little motion sick. But its getting allot less already. And i’ve only had the headset for a week.

I tried playing WoW on an Nvidia 3D Vision set up years ago. The depth effect was great, and it looked gorgeous, but I didn’t stick with it as I was having a lot of trouble judging my character’s position in a fight, and I gave up rather than trying to get used to it.

I always fancied VR though, and I was surprised how much some of the prices came down, but I always had it stuck in my head that there was a lack of games that looked really good. I might look again if that’s not the case. That said, I had LOADS of fun with some really basic looking Wii games, so maybe it’s time to look again.

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Not gonna lie… Idk if i am a noob or what. But for something thats been out since 2016 I expected allot more apps and games as well. And there really should be! VR is amazing! I hope I am just a noob that doesn’t know where too look. Keento already suggested lots of games I never even had on my radar.

I think that… when more vr gets in the hands of people. and it becomes more accsessible. And people don’t feel like their selling a kidney to buy one <.< We will see more cool apps and games for vr

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I can’t imagine anything worse than all games coming in VR format. I don’t get on with the whole cinema 3D gimmick either. I thought both had pretty much died as concepts as they just aren’t popular with the players/viewers.

As long as the games remain available in their normal PC gaming format I don’t really care what else they offer but as soon as WoW becomes VR only I’d have to bail. I can’t even sky ride due to motion sickness.


being able to watch a cinema screen from the couch at home… reduced to a gimmick?! No way… download the bigscreen app on your meta quest 3 and invite your friends… and your all basically watching a cinema movie screen together from your couch! No motion sickness!

WoW I doubt will ever become fully VR if any vr for that matter at all Puny. Besides what we have now.

But I do believe that the next level and future of experiencing games will be in VR, I just do.

All those things fill me with dread. So it’s very much a case of each to their own.

The 3D craze at cinemas pretty much went, the reason it was gimmicky was they had to film special bits just to be using the tech. It didn’t add anything in most cases. Viewers started booking regular 2D seats more and more often. So it kind of died out, locally anyway.

Games can already give me motion sickness without being VR so there is no chance I could manage a VR version. Nor is the concept of any interest to me to be honest. I hate headsets in general, I don’t even use a regular one to game.

So whilst I can see that it will truly be fun for you. It’s a something I’m going to happily avoid.

I can fix youuu!! xD get a vr headset and join me for some rollercoasters. It should cure you of motion sickness for life!

There is no such thing as curing motion sickness and sadly those that don’t suffer don’t seem to be able to understand the pure vomit inducing experience it is for others :nauseated_face: :joy:


I am dead serious… I actually believe its possible. I got really motion sick too. A friend in vr chat told me it is something you can actually get used too and not feel as much…

He told me to go for all the rollercoasters and spins and swirlies i could find and just play them until i didn’t feel sick anymore… And I am not gonna lie. Its kinda working so far.