NFT gaming WoW

When will Blizzard start changing their games?
Or at least remaking what they have in to NFT world?
They have big problems with players coming back to their games. NFT will help?
Will Blizzard become next Nokia? and Axie Infinity next Apple?

What do you think guys?


i think, we need ducks tbh


How would NFTs help world of warcraft?


NFTs help everything! Always! Donā€™t you know?! /s

Itā€™s the latest tech that saves the world!

You want wow to become an aweful crypto currency game. That you have to invest $1000~ish to make some money later.


I donā€™t like scams being added to the game. No thanks.


Chosing alliance on character creation screen is allready a scam.


People are already confused enough by different time zones whenever Blizzard makes an announcement, I donā€™t think switching to Norfolk Island Timezone will make it any better.


Nfts are basically a digital image that supposedly should have value because you are the only one who has it, in reality itā€™s total bs, as they can just copy paste and ā€œstealā€ your image.

It honestly ties in together with the crypto argument.

Hereā€™s a sarcastic video about crypto, but completely true under the sarcasm.

Apparently, crypto are both an investment and a currency you are not supposed to spend a currency, you are supposed to hold and watch the numbers go to the moon, because thatā€™s how currencies work, didnā€™t you know?

This is what happens when you give money to the average person who knows nothing about investing or economics, they just waste money on bubbles, instead of investing in things that actually make stuff, like for example, pretty much any company that actually makes stuff.

Or a sector like energy or tech etcā€¦ Because itā€™s not enough to have 10 % or so return a year, we need to have 10000%, a million % return in investment.

Ironically, when you invest in these kinds of stuff, you are basically redistributing money as no real value is produced, you just hope that when you buy the next sucker will buy it from you at an ever increasing price, but you are not actually making goods and services.

Maybe thatā€™s what they think capitalism is, but it isnā€™t.

And the thing is that, as soon as the government wants to make their own crypto, they will outlaw all others, and you will be left with ā€œmoneyā€ that you cannot use, because if you were to try to convert it into something usable, it would be instantly tracked, so itā€™s only untrackable as long as you donā€™t do anything with it, itā€™s like having gold, but you cannot use it because itā€™s outlawed so you bury it under the dirt. And anyway, all the services that accept crypto, donā€™t actually accept crypto itself, you need to convert it first into dollars or euros. They donā€™t allow you to do transactions with the crypto itself, for pretty obvious reasons.


Crypto doesnā€™t generate work places / food etc .
Itā€™s a nice experiment though .

Jokes aside. The best way for them to advertise and help their game is to please their player base, which would also make higher/popular streamers want to try the game out, which is essentially the most powerful advertising to get players playing the game. And itā€™s free


Not only does it not generate value, but it consumes a lot of energy, so itā€™s actually a net taker.


my feels ;((((((((

but the money printer brrrrrr in federal reserve creates work places and food??

Iā€™m not an expert , but thatā€™s based on some international rules , u canā€™t print how much u like it will make your money worthless . Devaluating your work .

its like saying the roman empire, the arabian empire, the british empire, the chinese empire obeyed some vague rules xDā€¦

USA obeys rules loaaahahahaha


So, there are a few things to consider.

1: fiat currencies are backed by the government might, if you try to do shady stuff with money you will eventually find yourself into a not so pleasant situation. So even if the fiat currency itself doesnā€™t have a lot of value, the paper you use to print money is nowhere near the actual value that the bill goes for.

Cryptos are not backed by anything.

2: Inflation itself is not necessarily the problem, as long as the standard of living keeps up with inflation itā€™s fine, the problem is when you print too much money to pay things with inflation. Like what happened recently, then you get a situation where prices are higher, but standard of living does not go up with it, so you are in a worse off situation.

Also, wages are the last thing in the cycle to increase when inflation happens, first itā€™s asset inflation, second, itā€™s consumer prices, and then wages eventually catch up.

Also inflation is deceiving, you may think that if inflation goes up 10 % but so do wages, you would be in the same situation, but that would be wrong, because you are in a higher tax bracket now, so you pay higher taxes. And then other people can come in, and decrease taxes, and the average person, which is completely oblivious of what is happening, will be like, yea, thanks government for decreasing taxes, i love you!

Inflation is basically a tax, people want all these services from the government but donā€™t want their tax raised, and they are not willing to let go of services to decrease spending, so inflation is the only answer.

Pretty much everything that the government does costs about double what you would have paid if it was private.

In my opinion there are only 3 basic services that a government should do, police, military and courts. Basically what makes a government a government. Because letā€™s say that you would privatize those sectors also, well, now those private companies are the government, so there is no escaping that anyway.

Anyway, cryptos are definitely not a hedge against inflation, you need to buy actual goods for that. Things that go up with inflation.

If you want a hedge against hyperinflation, gold, precious metals in general do well, but i would not recommend gold, buy silver, also, they are NOT an investment. Keep that in mind.


What is NFT?

Itā€™s basically an image, that supposedly has value because you are the only one who is in possession of it, imagine like a painting, Mona Lisa, but everyone can just do copy paste.

Itā€™s total bs.

Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™m not super knowledgeable about blockchains but I donā€™t think you can just ā€˜copypasteā€™ them like that.