NFT gaming WoW

You pretty much can. Nfts are just total bs, they are just a digital image that is supposed to hold value like a painting for example.

But i don’t think i have to explain the difference between a painting and a jpeg? Right?


You can copypaste the image, but you can’t just copypaste blockchain-backed ownership.

To be fair though, I don’t like NFTs, especially on the enviromental cost front, and “investing” in them is just gambling (and opens up to a lot of potential scams if you don’t do your research) but it’s fairly misleading to say you can just copypaste it.

Doesn’t matter, if everyone can have your same picture and it takes no money at all to reproduce or do anything with it, your picture value is 0.

If there is something that has the same utility, but costs 0 to do, and another than costs 1000 dollars but is otherwise identical, which are you gonna take?

This is something that iv’e heard from some people, basically that since value is subjective, it basically can go up as high as people want.

This is wrong, not because value is not subjective, which it is, but because they are missing part of the equation, the value of something is decided by the subjective utility that people attribute to a good or service. And the supply and demand.

Basically why is gold valuable? Because of 2 main reasons: it’s beauty, which means it can be used for jewelry, and it’s chemical properties, so it can be used in situations that require high conductivity and corrosion resistance for example.

And since it’s rare and in high demand, the price is high.

So the utility of gold comes as: It’s beauty, and it’s chemical properties, now, personally i don’t really care much about appearances, so for me jewelry is subjectively almost worthless, but it’s chemical properties are useful.

NFT gaming is a giant scam, mainly used to pump and dump cryptocurrencies hoping some suckers won’t notice the obvious scheme. Another aspect of NFT gaming is obviously money laundering.

The big problem with NFT gaming is that when you have an NFT game, the main audience isn’t gamers, but prospective investors. A game is no longer for leisure, but yet another way to hopefully get rich quick. It’s a scheme. A very… triangular one at that. It counts on you investing, and getting others to invest, hoping that you’d get your money back. Which basically means even gaming becomes a form of wage slavery. At this stage, gaming is dead. We talk how it’s better to get a job and pay for boosts in WoW, but with NFTs… it becomes objectively better to get a job and never play WoW at all.

There are 3 types of people when it comes to NFTs:
-those who profit (the top of the triangle, people who trade the NFTs and cryptocurrencies among themselves to raise the value)
-those who invest and lose (those who buy crypto based on the artificial value, not seeing the obvious scheme)
-useful idiots who believe NFTs are not a scam (generally unaware of how crypto works, do not see the obvious scheme, but also don’t invest. They just propagate the lie. They don’t know how money is laundered through gaming or any other trading avenue)


I mean, their value is determined in a manner similar to, say, valuable art,maybe CSGO skins or rare achievements on a WoW account that’s on sale, anything that is kinda worthless in it’s actual material value, and is only valuable because the market has deemed it so. And a lot of people seem to be willing to cough up the cash for them, either for the novelty or fascination with the tech, or to potentially score big.

But like I said, I do agree on some level, NFTs (imho) are stupid and have an ethically questionable baggage, I would only be willing to invest in them as a way to basically gamble for a chance to get money.

Blockchain tech in general has a little too much potential to go away though I think, and I also think it’s incorporation to videogame economies is kind of inevitable, for better or for worse.
Unless we somehow make the whole thing illegal globally.

The difference is that in the case of actual art, it’s way more difficult to make a perfect replica. Basically impossible.

This cannot be said for nfts.

Blockchain itself has some potential, but nfts and cryptos are total hogwash.

But that’s really the point, much like you can’t replicate a painting perfectly, you can’t replicate the blockchain certification either. Which is why I think saying that your purchase is as valuable as “save file as” is a little misleading.
And like I said, I do fundamentally agree that it’s sketchy, wasteful and pointless.

I’m sure that the blockchain thing will convince people that this random picture is not worth a few cents but actually it’s worth 1 million dollars.

Or when the price of food and basically everything goes up because of the inflation, people are gonna be like, you know what i need right now? Pictures and digital money, food and other services? Nah, i prefer starvation.

It would help up the numbers, only those numbers would be botters.

Of course, people will buy any ol’ garbage for a high price if you somehow make it irreplicable and associate it with some kind of value, even if it’s basically made up.


You know what’s funny.

There are a lot of people who talk about capitalism is about the rich stealing from the poor, and the rich taking the poor people’s money and hoarding it, and crypto/nfts etc, do exactly that, because the only way for the price of it to go up is if another sucker buys it off from you. There is no actual value being generated.

In the end capitalism is simply competition, it does not say anything about big or small businesses, it’s not pro business or pro consumer, it’s pro freedom, the freedom to choose what to do with your money as an adult, but you also have to take responsibility for your actions, because what many people want is not actual freedom, they want the freedom to take other peoples money. When they screw up, what do they call for? Government government do something about it.

It’s the fault of the greedy banks, or whatever. It’s not my fault that i took a loan wasted it on useless stuff and now the bank wants the money back and i have nothing.

The thing is the people bigging it up are people who have already invested in it, They are trying to hype it up so they can justify what they have done and also increase the price by getting more suckers to buy into the scheme. If they don’t hype it up their crypto will crash and burn. So what you end up seeing is the people who have bought into it trying to convince everyone it was smart. Never ending cycle.


Eventually though, you run out of fools.

It’s frankly amazing how much this has been going on for.


Ah yes, NFTs. The latest and greatest in technological advancements where the only small hurdle is getting publishers around the world to agree to make less money.

You live in past (if you are saying this 2016 it will be interesting, but 2021 it is :poop:). Crypto and NFT is the next big thing. Adding it will bring more people in wow and make game more interesting (wow is almost out of players). It will also give you something that is yours, and you can send that to any one in game or out of game… Now everything you have in wow is from Blizzard… Decentralization.


Sure dude.


You know nothing John Snow. :roll_eyes:


The perfect most general response from the average crypto/nft holder.

It doesn’t change the fundamentals, genius.

Enjoy the bubble, the ride, just remember to get off before it goes off track and you fly right into a precipice.


You play wow, and you don’t know that a lot of people play wow just for collecting items that are stuck in wow. Why not give them option if they wanna to take item out of the game? To have it in digital wallet. To gift it to your friend, girl friend etc…

Problem is you see NTF as jpeg so you don’t understand what nft can be. NFT can be anything.
It can be a mount in WoW, but when you send it to Diablo it can be wings, Overwatch weapon, HOTS different mount, SC avatar, HS hero etc.

You don’t need to pretend to know everything. It is ok.

Boomer plz got out on fresh air. It will help you a lot.


All right, good luck you future bitcoin billionaire.

By the way i am 20 something. Boomer huh.

In the end it doesn’t change the reality that cryptos/nfts have no intrinsic value, but i’;m sure that when inflation does eventually go up, people are gonna find it in their hearts that they don’t need more food or gasoline or basic expenses, but what they actually need at that moment will be pictures and virtual money that you cannot use unless you first convert it into something usable, like the dollar or euros.