NFT gaming WoW

Well im sorry, but you sound so old. Like those gold bugs…

Bitcoin have nothing to do with NFT’s. Jesus…

WTF? Realy? Are you trolling me or what? You have mastercard’s visa’s that directly convert any crypto to fiat money and you can buy anywhere in the world with crypto. El’Salvador first country with Bitcoin as legal tender. OMG

Stop wasting your time on forums, and stop miss leading people. Go l2p.


You literally sound like the people described in the video i posted.

Oh well, enjoy the ride.

Decentralization, blockchain, fungibility!


In the past .com bubble. And now it is a future. Same will be with crypto.

This is good one. Watch.

There is something you are missing, while it was true that the internet was the future, the reason the bubble existed was because there were companies which stock value was higher than their actual earnings, just because something is the future, doesn’t mean it’s not a bubble. Basically some companies were valued way above their actual value. That is called a bubble.

Also, the vast majority of money is already digital, and if you think that the government will allow you to use your crypto when they eventually make their own, you are out of your mind.

They will outlaw all other forms and you will be left with 'money" that you cannot use in any way, so even if you are a millionaire on paper, you are in actuality not, if you can’t do anything with it.

Also, things with crypto make 0 sense, if it’s supposed to earn you high returns, it’s not a currency, it’s an investment, a currency needs to retain stable value, otherwise it’s a total disaster, which is why precious metals were used for it.

Anyway, enjoy your virtual money.

call me old fashioned… but what is NFT?

i been video gaming on the pc platform for near 30 years and never heard of it until this thread.

Heloooo. Country’s adopting it. You are getting ETF’s in US, banks are getting in to crypto…

Ofc there is alot of projects that will fail, projects that are scams, but that is the same as with stock market… DYOR

No way you are 20. You sound like that old guy from video you posted before…

Look, you keep on with your business. We’ll see who was right.

You didn’t actually disprove anything i said though.

You just avoided answering some things.

I already told you what will happen, when they eventually make their own crypto, they will outlaw the other options.


like china did with bitcoin after they made the harddrive one whatever it was called.

too many to keep up with now

“Non fungible token”

It’s a clever way of saying “oh this is the original digital art for xyz”

Thats right, a digital resource you can copy infinitely and perfectly they are selling the rights to the “original” for millions.

It’s pants on head while licking the windows level of nuts but the people doing it think they are somehow at the forefront of thought and human development.


They are way too deep in to see the actual truth.

hell even my brother created his own crypto at one point… (this is a true story!)


Yea, you can literally make your own, notice how pretty much all of the companies that use crypto make their own, and don’t actually use bitcoin or ethereum etc…

So if you can make your own for a fraction of the cost, why would you ever use bitcoin or others?

But i guess i’m just a boomer unable to see the future.


he was working on making a blockchain based video game which used his crypto as the ingame currency … it didnt get the support he hoped for in the end so he gave up on it.

I is not about who is right. It is about facts.

What do you want me to answer?

Problem is you don’t understand crypto…

harddrive? XD

China have so big problems with controlling the situation, because you can not control something that have no borders. And now they are unbanning Bitcoin again… And they did ban Bitcoin countless times…

Sure man. whatever fits your notions.

You want to talk to me about truth when all you have is some digital money attached to a ledger with no intrinsic value, and pictures.

Like imagine if someone were to sell you an nft of mars that said you now own mars, because you paid a couple trillions, ridiculous. When in reality all you have is a picture of mars, that anyone can copy paste. This is the level of crazy, of these people who think they have it all figured out.


Answering on all posts seems you wanna get your ranking on wow eu forum :+1:

yea china called the crypto CHIA apparently it was farmed on harddrives.

They were using so much energy that it was actually causing trouble.

I’ll admit I don’t either. Could you explain blockchains in simple terms please?

  1. Could you also explain why using a currency backed by nobody (£ / $ etc are backed by the Governments of those countries) should be trusted?
  2. Could you explain why using a currency that consumes a sizable fraction of the worlds electricity is worthwhile?
  3. Could you explain why (for household goods at least) the cost of processing the transaction is higher than the value of the goods bought?

All of which ofc is completely offtopic from the “NFT gaming” which is the topic of the thread, so how does putting NFT’s ingame increase the fun we have? Curious minds and all.

    1. and 3. I did give a video you can watch it and you will have you answer.

I did answer what can you do with NFT, just scroll up a bit.

Why did you quote me again?