Depends. Just imagine a short cutscene where Delas returns to Tyrande.
Tyrande:(sternly) “Sister Moonfang. I didn’t expect to see you here again, since you abandoned our Goddess and joined the Knights of the Silver Hand.” Delas:(excited) “Elune adore, High Priestess! I have discovered something very unsual!” Delas unsheathes her sword. Delas: “This is a technique to imbue a weapon with the Holy Light. I’ve learned it in my training with the Silver Hand. Now watch.” Delas closes her eyes and starts a prayer. Tyrande gasps, as a white, shimmering glow starts to surround the blade. Tyrande: “Is that-…” Tyrande comes closer, her hand reaches out and touches the magic shimmer Tyrande(confused): “Mother Moon! But… how?” Delas: “I don’t fully understand it either. A few days ago, when I prayed to the Light, it was Elune who answered - as if she’d been waiting. Since then, everytime I call the Holy Light, this happens. I feel her presence, High Priestess! The scholars of the Silver Hand can’t explain it either. I hoped that you could have an explanation.”* Tyrande:mumbles “Could Velen and Khadgar be right? she shrugs After all we have learned?” She then straightens herself and looks at the Paladin. Tyrande: “Your scholars are right, this is new. But… I’ve heard that the Tauren discovered a path to the Light by praying to the sun a few years ago. What if… you discovered a way to do the same with the moon? Please, tell me all about it.”
It’s not Shakespeare and this is not my first language, but I hope you get what I mean If they WANTED to, it would be easy to link these developments.
I know. But Erevien thinks Calia (and the light) ruined the Forsaken. Now he asks for Undead Paladins which are “light-connected”. So I responded to him.
Imo, the term paladin and “the light” are strongly rooted in “Alliance culture”. Former and present.
Well the problem with Calia is that the undead have previously been established to be able to wield the light, but don’t because it drastically doesn’t pair well with their physiology meaning that only the most extreme of zealots, who have a masochist streak put up with it. (ie. Zeliek of the 4 Horsemen)
Children of Noble Birth is what Quel’dorei means in both Thalassian and Darnassian.
Children of the Void, as you presumed.
Blizzard hasn’t given us a translation of Shal’dorei, it’s presumed to mean Children of the Night, but then again Shalla’tor is translated into Shadow Render, and Shal’nar is translated into aunt.
Sadly all of the above names are translated through Darnassian or Thalassian as we have no official translations for Shalassian… :grumble:
Indubetly, gnomes have been sticking with dwarves and humans for hundreds of years and both of those have had Knights of the Silver Hand for decades now.
Elune is the one who answers to Delas all the time already. When she rerolled she didn’t abandon her faith which is reflected in both her voice lines and her abilities.
That’s interesting, I didn’t notice back then. In the videos I found, she only talks about the Light. Guess I need to replay the Paladin campaign and check it out.
Given that it shares the founding dialect with both Thalassian and Nazja it stands to reason that “Nightborne” could also be translated as “Children of the Night”, as that’s structurally consistant.
As far as I understand it, Shal’dorei translates to “Nightborne”.
Given that “Dorei” seems to translate as “children” in the other elven languages and we’re talking about three different languages of the same origin, these are probably just small distinctions:
Kaldorei → Children of Stars (written as one word)
Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei → Children of Blood, High Children, Children of the Void (written with an apostrophe, but basically still the same meaning as in nightelven language)
Shal’dorei → Nightborne, or in other words, Children of the Night (translates ‘dorei’ as “borne” instead of “children”, but with the same intention)
That said, am I the only one who wants to know how the Kaldorei language was called before the founding of Darnassus? I mean, they speak “Darnassian”, but what was it before? "Azsharian"?“Kaldorian”?
Yeah, always found it silly that such an ancient language and culture had it’s name to a city wich was merely built around 20 years ago.
It was probably called “Kaldorei” or “elvish” before.
It’s more probable Darnassus was named after the city then the otherway around, kinda like the Shal’dorei’s language bieng Shalassian and not Suramarian.
The language still can be referred to as Kaldorei, altho it likely has diverged from the original language just as much as Nazja, Thalassian or Shalassian over the years making Darnassian the most appropriate name for the contemporary dialect.
And interesting thing is that they took words from the Titan language like Kalimdor, which would imply they took at minimum it’s root in “Kal” as well.
Well given that even Anduin is bloody older than Teldrassil i would wager that the city is named after the language or both are named to represent whatever it means.
You mean, the city was named after the language? Then why would they’ve called the language “Darnassian”? The language of the Shal’dorei is Shalassian. By that logic, the Kaldorei should speak “Kalassian” and not Darnassian.
We should Petition to rename the Kaldorei “Darn’dorei”.
And that’s a statement that I’d like to see from Blizzard
Whevener I read “Darnassian”, I always imagined one of the developers say: “What do you want? Quel’dorei lived in Quel’THALAS, so they speak THALASSian! Kaldorei live in DARNASSUS, so they speak DARNASSian! It’s not rocket science! What? I don’t care how old they are!!!”
I mean if you want to take the mick out of the naming conventions then Blelves can be referred to as Bloodborne and their language is Homeish. Darnassus and Darnassian are an homage to their survival whatever it’s derrived from.
in terms of what a paladin is outside of the humans and dwarves (even draenei paladins are kind of their own thing) I’d say the closest thing is the warrior priest archetype belonging to a culture.
nelves kind of already have that in priestesses of the moon (WC3 style, astral magic/hunter hybrid) and wardens (rogue/warrior hybrid).
I think both of those are individually much cooler then kaldorei paladins
mostly because I remember the legion order halls, it won’t stay elunite, they will be turned into just being human paladin clones