When was this? Night elves had cameo in MoP, Tyrande schooled by Varian, then in SoO, a cameo appearance, and lets not forget this lot, despite being the main alliance aligned force on the continent, and the ones to have the most beef with Garrosh who actually invaded their lands, they were largely excluded.
And it was the first time we actually saw an active group of night elves as female fighting force I.e, The Night Elves ( Darnassians) rather than the usual druids outside their zone quests.
Still the reason many wow fans wrongly think night elves are all forest druid elves. The druids in TBC and WotLk were not representing the night elves, but the Cenarion circle and they had tauren with them all through. It was a class effort, but as it was pretty much the only time you saw a night elf outside their zones, the impressionhorde players andnonnight elves got was that all night elves were druids or tree hugger, nature only types, and to this day I have to constantly point out thelittany of instances of night elves as female warrior priests advanced arcane wielded or fel users,the volume of night elf lore tonight elf arcana,fel or female warrior priest stuffer each as large as the druidic lore when all things are added up.
Those were druid class zones, and they had tauren, or tauren, worgen and troll alongside them. Vashj’ir was partially night elf themed, but the problem with most of the night elf themed stuff back then, was how lacking the night elves were in them.
Considering the highborne had recently returned and we were delving into vashj’ir, it was surprising how little night elves played in the zone, unless you argue, the night elves were experienced as naga and were the antagonists. Which I concede, and argument can be made, however, the faction "The Night Elves I.e. the Darnassians were absent. Weren’t the horde trolls more involved with Zul’gurub, Aman and Drak?