[Night Elf RP] 8:th Crescent Conclave 🌙 24:th March

Sisters, priestesses of Elune. The eighth Crescent Conclave approaches with the nearing of the spring. Once more, we shall convene beneath the boughs of Amirdrassil to discuss, talk and debate with other members of the Sisterhood.

This time, the topic is set, and concerns the following:

“Our time to grieve our lost has passed - how should we as a Sisterhood further the Kaldorei towards new horizons, and towards renewal in the wake of wars concluded?”

20:00 - 20:15: Opening and introductions if necessary
20:15 - 21:00: Start of discussions
21:00 - 21:10: Brief break
21:15 - 22:00: Continued discussion

If there is nothing left to discuss, the event will naturally end at the end of the discussion. If the turnout is large, there might be slight changes to the schedule, or shuffling between schedule points.

Once more, we return to our set topics and this time, it concerns the renewal and growth of the Kaldorei past all the wars, and past the advent of Amirdrassil. How do we best usher the Kaldorei into a new dawn, and how do we spiritually strenghten a people so marred by recent strifes?

OOC Details
Elune’s grace, priestess player of Argent Dawn! Spring has arrived, and the time has come to meet for the Eighth Crescent Conclave! If you play a Kaldorei who’s main character concept is that of a priestess or priest of Elune, we welcome you to a night of conversations, discussions and connecting with other characters who do the same. The idea is to give an important part of Kaldorei society a peaceful and social arena to talk and meet, and to exchange information and experiences in a friendly way between groups, guilds and orders - as always! This time, we return to where it all began - Astranaar, and the Hunter’s Hall!

The event will take roughly two hours, and as always we will switch in between open discussion and a speaker’s list so to keep order. Those attending will be asked to keep a polite and cordial tone.

This event is aimed towards characters where being a Kaldorei priestess, priest or acolyte of Elune as their main character concept. Thus, if your character is not an active priestess, then this is perhaps not an event aimed towards them. To keep clutter emotes and numbers down a little, we will keep the Conclave closed for visitors, guests and bystanders. Similarly, we ask all attendants to leave friends, retainers, guards and the like outside the venue of discussions. The goal is of course not to be excluding, but simply to provide RP to a certain niche of the community, and allow those partaking in it to connect with other characters with similar responsibilities.

Hunter’s Hall - Astranaar

AA Event


Ohhh! Its been a while since my character joined his first Crescent Conclave! And I think this fits in the weeks before I depart for a month, so I will deffo try to join this as an Priest of Elune!

I might not make it untill the end, but still! :smiley:


The week of the 8:th Crescent Conclave has come! A reminder that this time the topic will be fixed, and that the location will be Astranaar!

Most welcome!


Tonight is the night, fellow Priestessi.

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